The Great Controversy in the Examinations Biblicals.

in 1968-1969 and  the  firts Edges in years 70 the Ilustred Dr inmemorial Albert Rivera Romero is the firts in the Verifhications of the  Nexts  and News Archives  of  The Historial Experiencies  JHS and the truth of changes Doctrinals. and the Experiences  of the Causes that today in ours Century XXI  livings. in the Documents of the Archives . in the  firts  Studies  Existing Missing Secret in character Type Religiuons  and the infiltrations. the Dr Rivera albert in yours longs times on just Visionary. in the Events of the today . and changes of the JHS and  the New order in Recients Activitys. in tall Sferal Gubernamentals.  ihts Archives not only in the times past. yeah Not the Actuallity of the Events. today views  in the manery of the changes and the manipulation in the direct Theology . in the firts Studies of Canoom   in the Archives of the Scriptures.  on example is the james kings vertion . in Redacctions . of in the lenguages this  is translations. is on the Manys Greats  and formals . description in the texts . is on the Great and direct truth .
oklahoma 1997 on years in the changes of the persecution Secret JHS  in the last times in Edge of the 90th  Existing on the Testimony. in the firts Characteristical . in the Redactions of the Enlace in the Sincerity advertences of the Exact  Formations. of the Act  in the Persecutions . Secret for the truth examinations biblicals Expositived in Anual Archives  JHS  that part of on the Great truth  in the analitys of the Biblies. and ¿ why  the changes . in the Theosofies  . that is the its Significated  theosofies . the Expretion Teo -Dios sofies  Sapiencies  in Greek this is on of the words . in the firts  JHS  in the idethifications. of othres types of Doctrine  in special the Greek Neo platonica  in your possition Theo Sofistics   is Necesary view that the Doxology  Greek in koine Classic  is the equal Directions of the Nexts doxologys in the odl thesis of platon and not in the truth Canoom Inspirated in the Vertions Moders and the Neo liberal ortodoxies   that is Different  to thesis  Neo platonicals for the Great Churth of Romen Chatolitics . Traditions. and the conservation of the Pagan Know . Aristotellical and Neo platonical. in manys of ones 1.000 years  of the Notably  and Revelatives Investtigations.  in when to ours great and Remenbering ilustred Dr albert Rivera Romero.  in your Great legady of honors Suffer the oposition for the truth .in the Scriptures.  in Similliar  to firts Ex-Priets . and phater of the  Reformers. in that permited the vision Exact   in asking of Sincerity truth and Not in when to Manipulations  in the Scriptures  for the 2 Great Revelation .  in 1977  the Dr Rivera . Romero Examining the part  of the Scriptures and Doctrine original of firts history in the persecution of the Romanistics  to the Sincerty people humility protestantic in European and the Archives Dominicus in Spain . and part of others Nations incluyings EUA in the Proscription and how the wordl  JHS  changes the word  writter of lord God to  Humility Son fiedl  and Sincerity christians prostestantics . and revelated  of the archives . Nexts in the perseccution in Spain. for the Legion loyolistics Militarys.   and for last Mission the changes and creation of New alternatives Sectarian in contradiction to wordl protestantics. in my bloggers  is on menthion of honors to your Memorian and Reason. in ours interminablys times the Dr Rivera  in the total and just Reason of the infiltrations JHS  in the diferentials Edges  of the history for the Missing Secret loyolistics. of the  Contra Reformers.  Not only in the times past yeah not in ours Times of Century XXI. the Great power Secret of Rome . in contracdictions. today,  to the inmemorian of Dr albert Rivera Romero . forevers.  R. I. P  in the Nexts Moon of june 20 of the year 1997 in the city of Oklahoma EUA.


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