The inmemorial texts in the holy profhety Daniel

the investtigation theologals  and the News perspectiveds in the Divine profhety in Daniel . is on of the Nexts Studies in the profechy   and the Standars Vertions , of the Major Kethuvines.  in the Original Significated  Hebrew . Call  the just profhetys . of isreal. in the years of the Cautivery in the odl City and pontential of Babilony  in the history of the Cautivery in Character Historials. inspiration Divine  and the vision of the just profhety . in the inmemorials.times. is the King Nabuchadanazer Magnus  in the Chaldea  in the longs Days in the Cautivery. in the Son of isreal. and the odl City
 jerusalem in the fire .
and the description of the Events in the Ancestrals profhety. the Exactitudity of the Scriptures . part of the Autority Divine of the  holy Spirit  in the  Events of past the Scriptures liven in the Men just  and the Related is Eternity . in times  inmemorial and today.
The Holy profhety of Daniel  Explain the Event Seriuos of the future in the reason  of the Scriptures and the Events of the firts Relateds in Jerusalem in the Days  of the future Restaurations. for the Saint people and the law Divines
Note the Great Nabuchadanazer is call in the history Secullars . the  invictus King  for the Nexts historiam Greeks in your firts origings jenofonte and Herodote  the king is on the Manys .importands in the history in the ubications of the pagan and inmemorial citys. and the others Conquist of  Nabuchadanazer Magnus  in the Cities in Egypt and part of others Nations . in the writters of the Ilustred historiams  Greek  Jenofonte and herodoto. in the victorys .of the King Nabuchadazers. in frontal comflict  not omitides  in the  Holys Scriptures. iths  in when to the perspectived history. of the pagan Kindoomgs of Babilony. 


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