The Investtigation of the firts Christians in The Odl City Pompeii

the City of pompeii  in The   Anno Domini 79 in the Events of the Scriptures . and the Humility Reason in the Continued Studies of the Archeology . and the Vision of the Regusiters . historicals of the ilustred Writter Pliniuos the yuong. is on in the share in this  Moornings . for Muchs  in the just testimony of the Herency of the history . intry the Firts familys Christians. in the  pompeii of Anno Domini 79 D E C  in my Nexts  inductory and Repherential Country .  in the Nexts Related how the firts Christians and your Familys living in pompeii Besfore  of the desvastantion of the vulcan Herculanus. and  the vesubio. well  in continued poyections . 
the land of the  territories of pompeii  odl .and   the familys christians.  when listens the Anuncings of the Evangeliuons . the Men and Women . make on wonderfull Reunions   Aisllated in the  woods   besfore of the Explotion of the vulcan  the Vesubio . for love to Christ.  theys listens  in just Attention .in  the words of lord God. and the inmemorial letters of the Men holys who are Know the virtuditys of lord Jesus  chrits. and share the Anuncings of the truth . in the Country . and woods  aislllateds . in the Comission of the truth in lord Jesus chrits.  in when . to yuor Lidhers   theys love the vocation . of Conmings  Anuncings the truth of lord Jesus chrits .  others testimony is the Nexts the writter pliniuos the yuong. pompey on City . intry milies of peoples in yuors Longs Days the childrens in the Stree and the Activity conmon Schollaristic tutors.  and the leguions . in the Supremacy of  the Cesar. in yuors longs Days the yuongs . in heplt of others . and Great Circus in the Stree  and the Temples in honors to Gods of Romen. and the humilitys Men in reunion Aisllated the call Christians. in honor the Chrestu. Anuncing the love and justic to Great people of pompeii. in yuor longs Days the Slaves   in the power of yuor patriciuos . and the Inmorallity of the what Gubernaments  to  Civita and citizens of the zones. in the Inmemorial Pompeii.
Note  the firts pretorian Guards  in pompeii   in the vigilancy  of the Circus . and the fiedl conmitions Military Emperial. in the odl City  besfores  of the Explotion of Great Vesubios . call in other Names Herculanus Magnus. on city Cosmopolite intry yuor people. the Great Houses in Mantions . intry the patriciuos . in tall. of the Rocks. intry the Great limited for the Meditteraniuons  Mare Nosstro.
the Eminents writter pliniuos theYuong is the firts oculars whistnesses in the vision of Vesubio on Exact Supervivors of the inmemorial desvastation . in the Nexts Centurys to ours Longs Days.


  1. herculanus is the firts Name of vulcan Vesubios . in the firts Days of Empire of the Romen. in the Repherential of historiam pliniuos the yuongs. to lihgts of the history golden. the firts christin living in the pompeii of Anno 79 D.EC in the 4 of Agustus . when the volcanus make on Great Eruptions. in descriptiosn . of the history and BBC , ihts is on of Documents majors and Exact in the valoreations . of Really testimony . of pliniuos.


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