The Great Importancies of the Archeology Biblicals in the Apologetycals Christians,

the Study of Archeology and the Apologetycals Repherential is on Passing Achademical in the Vision of the Bible .in the Spirituals  formation  in the investtigation of the Bible and the Canoom Inspirated ¿ why  well is intteresanting in the Gradual Apologetycals Christians in ours Possition to the valors Reallys of the Scriptures ,
the Evidencys of the Bible Not only in the Nexts wordl today Secullars yeah Not in the Importands of the Exactitudity  to the Nivel Christians Apologetycal in the Texts of the Bible Studings in formation Original and Evidential
s in the Studings and Examings of the Cannom Hebrew inspirated and the locations of yuor Zones and territories.
the Defences of the Christianistics and the Bible . in the Scene of the Canoom. to The
lihgts of the texts , Divine.
the Discoverys Nexts for the Area Britain and french  in the Nexts Centurys . to ours today Century XXI. in Exactituditys of the majors Discovery . in the Edges  of the Century XVIIII -XX for the Major and Great Expeditions of the Archeology Gubernamentals . of the Illustred Crown  Britain and frenchs in the longs Period of wars Napoloenicals . and in major Grades . in the investtigation of the illustreds Museum of Luvre in the City of  Paris french   and part of Museum Britains. in the Eminents  England   Respect to the files  Canoom and on Selecctives Rest of The Archives and Really Documents of the Masoretical in the actual Germany and part of today Telaviv city Comtemporanies in isreal States.
Respect to the Investtigation Biblicals Exploratories. in the  Armony to Apologetycal Pre- Christains Odl Textamentarys and christians . in the Major  Discovery in the just and direct defence of the originallity of the Scriptures.and the texts .
Note in the vocation of the Studies Scientistics and Archeologycals of the masoretical in the Rollings of Sea Death  in the Actual Kumran isreal. in Great period of years past longs 70 years of  Christians .Exploaration  to ours longs Days .
today of Team International Interdenominationals Continues in the valors Exploratory . in the Nexts Generation to the valors of the Defences Christians of  the  Bible.


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