The Pugned in theTimes inmemorial of isreal inThe Biblicals Times. in when Torah and Thanah.

in the Centurys Inmemorials and in the Firts times Pre -Christians. the only  Reason of the Scriptures in the Times of the Order of the Divine  e  inspiration and the Canoom of the Phentateucus in the 5 firts Texts Inspirateds for the lawguislator Moshes  in times of

the firts Reason Theologals of isreal in Times of the Electtions of the firts Leguislator in the Order inspirated and Divine in when to  Moshes
the 5 texts and parages in Concordancies in the Model Canonicals . Respect to the texts is on Order today Uttillity for the Modern Hebrews in the inspiration of the Scriptures and the Texts  in the Pugned today of isreal in Conservation of the Studies of the Phentateucus , and the Order lineal inspirtaed in the Scriptures.
in the Order Central of the Laws Divines and the Act in The  Armony . to the pensums Divine of the Scriptures. in ours Studies Inmemorails . and theologals . in the Reason Divine of the Scriptures and Apologetycals Fountains. in the 2 Order the firts  Thanah  that Occupy the Formations of the  Firts and Nexts Textaments its in when to the firts Canoom of Odl textaments  intro of 2 Copys in Exactituditys  of The  Odl textamentarys  in the seriuos parages of isreal.and great part of Thanah  in the  Biblicals  Exactituditys   in the Order Lingiusticals and verbs . Hebrews and part Arameics. Classic. in formation Primitive. and Arcaicals Repherentials in the Odservation of the States of the Canoom in the Affirmative Studies. in the today translations Importands of the Scriptures. and the valors of the texts Originals . 
in the inmemorial times A.E. C 1300-1460 and the Edges Comon of Times in the isreal in Times Past . the Divines Scriptures in the Contexts Originals . in the writers just in the Armony fiedls of Just holy Spirit Divine.
respect to thanah and the Thorah  permited on Studies just to the Son of isreal . and yuor Solemnitys Familys in the Times of the past .in listens the laws Divines. in Generations. Inmemorials.the laws contituyings on Importands Aport in the Theachings Divine of the Scriptures . and  Promoveds on Great valor Theologals . in the Nexts Generations. Not only in isreal yeah not in the Christianistics Actual.  
Note Achademical in the Actuallitys Sinagogues , Hebrews in just and Major respect. the thanah is Major mind importands to Eyes and texts in the Comunity of Major Brother Hebrews , to on Nivel Theologals. and Ancestral . in times inmemorial of Joshepus Flaviuos the Thanah is reading and in the firts 3years in the Ministery of ours lord Jesus chrits is Equal Readings. how on Ecellents Texts Seriuos . to the Lihgts of the Scriptures. and yuor Original Apologetycals.


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