The Scriptures And the Profheticals History. in Contexts Divine and Apologetycals.

The word inspirated of ours Lord God Jehovah . in  the Fiedls  Contexts Divine and the Reasonings  of the Events  Inspirated of the Scriptures in the 2 Great Texts Memorablys   The Odl  and  New textaments  permited Views on Vision Really of the valors of the Scriptures and the Texts Divine .and the Studing Original of the valors in Rulers and the Canoom . Hebrew and Arameics . in the vertion today in the translation .
in the Importands Funtion Apologetycals of the Texts Hebrew and Greek in the Vertions of the  Studies . is the Order Divine of the texts in Scriptures that part of on point Majors in the Contexts of the Bible and the valors to ours lord Jesus Chrits.
¿ Why  is Majormind Importands in the Contexts of the Scriptures to the Examinings Correct and the Apologetycals in when to Really Vision Christians . in ours life .of  the Ministery  Christians . in the Formation . Spirituals and theologals . of the truth in ours lord Jesus Chrits.
the inspiration Divine  in times of  the past permited to the  just Sons of lord God  the Evidencies of Just Ministery Profheticals . in the point Major of the inspirated Concordancies . in the Scriptures and the Fiedl Armony of the Examinings of the Contexts and the texts . in Memorablys the II Letter of apostle the champert 1 -25   the just  And fiedl  profhechy  is on Evidency Inpirations Eternal in the word Divine to ours Memory and Activity in the just person of ours lord And Saviuor Jesus Chrits. the Bible how just texts Divine is Majorminds importands to ours Generations and today. in the contexts Divine of the Others Nexts Letter of Apostles Peter to the humillitys Christians in Babylon. in The Nexts Translation Greek and the odl vertion transliterals of Koine the word Babilony is Rome in times . of  New  textaments   in The  contexts of Erudiction  Rome is Similliars to the Inmemorial and Great City odl of Babylon the Familys Hebrews in the Times of New Textament Call  in yuors Days to Rome  in just Concordancies to the odl Babylon  in times of the Inmemorials  past . in the Contexts is view how Babylon  in times of New Textaments. 
the Singullars Different in the Babylon of times Pre- Biblicals . in The  Anno Donmini. 63 -67  in yuor longs Days on Cities in Ruines.  and Only Existing Territories . Aisllated of  the  poblations  Bediunes to the part  North and west of River Eufhrates.  today part of the States of Arabians.
Note the Expretion Original Babylon is .Rome  in the New Textamentarys . in times Imperials. of proscriptions. From  the Great Emperator the  years 63-67  D. E. C  
and the Testimony of the Illustred e Eminents Historiam  Josephus Flaviuos. in the Recoopylations of the Dates . in The Studings. and Schatology. Biblical  New  Textamentarys. 


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