The History Mores Great of Everything the Times.

in  ours Hands . on pretty Transures  in ours Minds on Great History The Bible. and in ours  Hearts  on History Really and true  inspirated by longs Generation . and Denegated by the Men in the Tall Power  Eclesial. Respect to ours Saviuor Jesus Christ,
the Holys Manuscriptes  in ours hands is the Great and Importand Vocation Educative of the Auttority and the True in the Majors History . by the longs  And  Continueds  Generation.
the Scriptures  in the Mores Great History Divine . in ours just Saviuor and Lord Jesus Christ in the Firts I Century the Humillitys familys in Rome  lovelys and Livings to ours Saviuor Jesus Christ. just Men Importand in Rome and Great Part of the odl City Jerusalem. the Childrens and and the rest of Slaves and
yuor Phaters  to the just Men Inspirated . Occulars  whitsneses  . of ours Saviuor and Lord Jesus Christ Men Odl in tall Eges .  in yuor Receptions. to the  Christian  Vocation   in  the heart of the Person.
the Great Historiam Tacitus . Writter the Great  Importancies , in Rome. of the just Christians. in the valors and love by Christ  Besfores of the Great Proscriptions. in the Tall Power Imperials. Jerusalem  Anno Domini 37  years besfore of Nativity of the just Historiam Joshepus  Flaviuos . in  the Great Love and the Vocation by the word and the Discurses   of the Faith Apostles  that Livings the Grattia. Divine and the love in the 12  First Centurys of the I  first Christians. in the Explendors of the Imperium. and the true and the Great Love by ours Saviuor and Lord Jesus Christ  theys in yuor valor and valient the longs 2017 years of the history . just
Note Achademical the Rollings . in yuor Perspicazy . in yuor Expossition. to the lihgts of  the
Mores Humility Familys in Rome and Alexandries. in the Century I-II Anno Domini. in the just vision of the Bible. is the just and the Great history today in the Longs Generation of the time. in Hands Manys just that View to ours Lord And  Saviuor. and the testimony really Apologetycals. Note in the Lenguage Greek  {Apostolos }  in the Vertion of the Koine.Classic. in the significated Originals Major in the odl Vertion of the Koine call  in the therminology Menor Apostelos Menssager and in the  Service Holy. to Others


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