The Spiritual Life ,in the Scriptures and Ours Defence to the Bible and Order. Antropology Unipolars Vision IV.

the History of  the Scriptures Part of the Great perspicazy . and the Model Spirituals . of the  Differents of the Seudo Theachings.  in the Praxys , Originals . of the Scriptures part of the Major Study . and Defences of the Bible .
The Bible is ours Major Hope. and in yuors texts . the Valors of the Truth Biblicals. that in Must Person . today  is Necessary in the Examinings Divine  of the yuors Parages and the texts Apologetycals . in ours Lord and Saviuor Jesus christ. to the lihgts of the truth. and the Valors Spirituals. in the Model inspirateds. of the Differents Seudo -Theachings . Not Reguisters in the Scriptures.  in ours Hope.. and Defence of the Bible. in great Perspicazy, today. and Major Model Divine and life Chrsitains. in The Faith Hopes. in ours Saviuor Jesus Chrits  that is the Adsoluted Truth Archeology , Antropology and Educationals. in the vision of the Men. originalmind in yuors perspective Christians. of the denegation Egoist . of the Seudo -Organizations. in the talls Confutions. in ours Defence to ours Conciencies in the vision Generals . of the texts Biblicals. and in the Achademical Causes. in the Sacra -Scriptureds. and true.Apologetycals. Respect to ours lord and Saviuor jesus Christ. in ours Hearts and Conciencies.


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