The Testimony Vaticans in The Longs Period of The Times and Centurys....

Rome yuor legady and the  Romanistics  Instrucction  inside in yuors Conmemoratives and  longs Period Asociated in Generations. and  the longs Centurys  in the Possition Humanistics and Great in the Philoshopies . Greek and latins the introducttory of Great Theaching Not Inspirateds. and the Not Aprobhations of the True in the Scriptures.

The Bible is the Firts Auttority in the Searchs just to the Study of yuors History Divine.
The Traditions that is Part  of the Great Ancestors, of the Odl Cultures Egyptians Greek Asyrian and Babylons Introducings in the Great  Order Eclesiaticals . and denegated by the just Phaters of the Reforms in 500 years. and the just Study of the Scriptures.  Inagcio di  loyola.  on Eminents and Illustreds Menbers Militarys. in the Order Eclesiaticals of Spain,  know  in yuors Conciencies the Bible. and yuors Chatequesis. Guide by the Order Eclesiaticals. Di the tall Missing Papals di  Rome. and yuor Meditation . Mistycals. in yuors . Seminary of the Great Order  JHS  in the fundations, of the Firts Class  and Order Eclesiaticals . in the Opossition and Denegation  to just and  Humillitys . Son of  the Reformers. in the Instrucction and Vision of the Bible.
Ignacio Created  on  of  yuor Firts Order Call the Iluminatis. in My Lenguage Sphanisth is los Iluminados. and the ContraReformers  call today in the Missing Ekumenicals Order Charismaticals . in yuors Fundations.  this is Similliars. to on Small Comunity Prostestantics . by other Part . Different in this Comunity only yuor love to the Virging  Mary. is Uttility on Small Statued . in yuor Vocation . Loyola  in yuors Longs Days Exercises on Prefect  and Adoration  to  the icon of  Mary. virgings . in the type of theaching Eclesiaticals. vocationals and  the Matutines. in the Nexts Years of 1467-1526  the Order Domica . and JHS Sthablecings . the Great Inquisition . in The Nations of Spain and Others Places . years 1478, in the Nexts  Attack and Conmings Searchs  of the Firts Students Reformated of the Bible. in the Culpe by Heregias.  loyola. on of the  Imponent Millitarys . by the forces . that Occupy Spain and Part of  the others Regions in the States Peninsular of . Iberia. by the Magnus Order Papals. 
in the Vocation of the first Comunitys Reformateds  that in the  love to the Holys Scriptures . and ours Lord And Saviuor Jesus Christ. Childrens and Yuong Phaters and Odl Men. Familys . on in the Nation  of freanch  and Others . in the limited of italy . in the longs 500 years in the Memory. just. in 1517 Martin luther on inttelectual  Dr and  Ex- Monges. is on lihgts by European . in the firts Bible of the Great Heregias. Romanistics today.of the Differentials Great Perturbations and the  Proscriptions. of the Order Eclesial. Originals. Rome in the tall Denegation and the Changes in the major Proscriptions. of the yuors Conciencies . by the Defences of the Bible.that is the Autthority. Major. that others Types Heregicals Changes. by the Men.


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