II Part Overtured. Flaviuos Dominicianus. Son of Magnus Emperator Vespancian in times of Apostles Jhon. Patmos. Domini 89-90 E.C

Imagen relacionadaThe Romen Power Politicians of the Emperator Dominicianus . Son of  Deseaced Magnus  Emperator Vespancians. in the years 81 Remenber the Aslate and victory. of his  Brother  Titus Vespancians.
El apóstol Juan escribe el libro de Apocalipsisin jerusalem.  and his Brother Dominicinus Valeriuos Flaviuos .  Arrest to the just Christian Familys in Rome and Asian Menor . in  the prompt  Persecutions. Between theys  the just Aspostle Jhon. in the island of Patmos. Asian Menor territorys. today in  Geo Limiteds . is Great Part of . .
in longs times of  the  Emperator Vespancian. The just Familys Christian . love in perspicazy Divine the Word of Lord God.
and the Comfort of the Scriptures in Theirs Hearts  and the Love by christ. ours Saviuor..and Lord  in the Revelations of the Texts Apocalysis  inspired intheOrder Divine New Textamentarys. to the Lihgts of the History Apostolical. in the lost of just Apostles Jhon. in the island territorial of Patmos.. Asian Menor NASA  Today Explorations. Geo Spacetials.


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