Day In Dedication Conmemorative The Values of the Manuscript and the Hermeneutic

The Values of the Manuscriptes Sacred  is look at the Past . and the Studies of the His Copys . in the vertion Hebrew Greek and Aramaics . in the points Hermeneutics . in his Apologetics
and others Rulers in the Canon . in These Day Conmemorative . the Sabbath  
and the Dicipline of the Vertion s. in the List . Olds Textaments . and the New Textaments. in the Studies Continued of the Scriptures . 
in the Original Koine {Diatteke } Conveniun . Pactus  Alliances   
in Major  III Centuries the Sapient Contexts is Designated to the Studies . of the Canon . in the Vision Sacred  in the Scriptures . 
and the Formals Possition . hermeneuticas . in the Vision of the Parages . and the Declaration . e inspirated Possition . of the Great and Divine Author YHWH  
to Nexts Generation Personal of Men Inspirated . in the Holy Spirit. in the Christians Vocation Spirituals . in his Contexts Exaclty 
intry the 40 Men in the Guide

 by the Spirit Divine {Paraklettus} in the Original Greek. Koine God Speak in his hearts by Medie of his Holy Spirit  and in his Mind in the inspiration Divine of the Canon.  today in ours Hands the Scriptures . and the Holy Manuscriptes.


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