The Inspirated Canon . Overtured Texts in the Biblicals Order

ImagenThe Canon is the Order and the Ruler . Educational . Biblicals . is the Mission of the Studie to the Researchvs . to Christ the Lord .

 is on Passing Importants in the Mission of the Really Studie Educational and Schollar  Universitary .
to Christ .

who the Major and just Authority  in the Pemsun of the Bible.
 and the Generals Odservation . in the Sciencies to the Theologal . Mission .  Biblicals . to Order Divine of the Lord God YHWH. 
in Everytimes . 
and in healthy Doctrine Biblicals. to Christ. ours lord and Saviuor. 
Ours Example in the just Manuscriptes . in the Just Conciencie Biblicals. 


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