the Firts Scriptures and The texts of the law.

the Scriptures and the investtigation theologals of  the Divines texts of the laws is Necesary view the vision of the fountains in the Canoon in when the  laws and the texts of the original laws in the Generation in firts Alliances and the Constitutions to laws Divines.intro of Canoon   in the Concordacy of the firts laws Originals. is the Explain of the Conmandaments.  the Comandaments is part of the original laws Divines intro of Canoon of Exodus . is in the firts fiedls vertions . in your firts Names in the lexical Hebrew {yot}  the law in the firts Alliances Never  in the changes . of yours firts dispossition and Rulers.  is manys this is laws . in the fiedl Restaurations . for the humanity  the Statuted Etenal is part of the laws in the Decalogues . in the original convenions intry God and the  humanity.   the law incliuying the Saint Sabhaath Biblical . Sthablecing in the fundations of the times Inmemorials. in the history of the Generations . intry the past and present . Existing on only Comandament Remenbering of  the Day Shabbath  in the Guard. ihts not only how on Doctrines in the times inmemorials yeah not for Every in the humanity. not only for the hebrews and isreal for the humanity in Generals.  in the factor of the Reason just intry the Humanity  and the Scriptures . intry on example. divine of lord  God.   in the  fountain of trueth Divine in Every vertion original of the Scriptures. to ours intelectual Days. in the Reguisters inspirated  the isrealites and the Strangers peoples living the Conmandaments Sthablecings . in the Humanitys . in the Emigrated of Egypts  in the valors to Statuted holys. and Rulers . the Shabaath  in the promecy Eternal . intry hebrews and Strangers. in the Scriptures. intry Generation and firts and Secod alliances.of the times. in prospect of the Lord God. intry isreal and humanity . on pact Eternal. in the promecy of the Salvator the lord Jesus chrits in the Scriptures.and trueth present.


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