the Genesis texts and firts Generations.
the Studies of theTexts of Genesis .and Nexts Generations. in phatricals. and the trueth Genealogy. in Studies. in the to share in the investtigation know how the firts familys Genealogicals of the origens Phatricals. in the firts Ubication in the city of Ur of chaldea in when to Abraham and nexts lines Ancestrals.for the Generation in the inspiration ofthe original Trueth Divine. in texts of Genesis. in firts Events of history profhety Originals. in character of the Holys Scriptures .in the Vertion odl in Order of phentateuco in the 5 firts Canoons of the Moshes in inspiration Biblicals the lenguage Hebrew odl. and the vertion actaullitys in the translation of the texts to ours formes lingiusticals. lenguages. the texts of the Genesis is on the texts manys importands in the investtigation Theologycals . inspirated and the in the Acts trueth in Ecene of texs. and the Archeology in conmings investtigation . in the Odl land of chaldea. and Media.Ur in on possition exact in the firts. texts of the historys in Supremacy Divine.e inspirated . for the Events in firts familys of Ur -and Canaan in future land of promecy. in contexts history in guied of theOriginal Scriptures in directions to Genesis. in the Studies Fidedigned of the familys odl Hebrew and Arameas Ancestrals . in the vision Really Divine in firts texts . that Occuppy the inspiration original of the { Berichit } in originals lenguage Biblical is the firts related of the origings in Creations. and the event and Act of firts Familys in the phatricals of thetimes firts origings .in the activity in the studies of phentateuco. in the line inspirated in the Events of the Holys the firts investtigation of texts of Book in Genesis in aspect of the ask in Scriptures in Relations to person oforings the Lhigts ofthescriptures in just model. in the lands of the Bible. today and times of past and investtigation Archeologycals in evidencys in the odl Territories and Districs in times of the firts phater Pre- Christians in past and the exactitudity of event and sucess historicals Trueth. in the firts Generations in the land of Egypt Media. and part of the nexts territories of Canaan and the the today palestines. and parts of the zones in odl Citys babilony and Syrian lands. in original studies of the Scriptures and the trueth present Biblicals Evidency of the Humanity
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