the inspiration Divine and the 40 Men.

The Bible is on just library intry 66 texts Exact in the Canoon. inspirated is on of  the Manys wonderfull  coopylations inspirated. originals. intry only 2 textaments  odl that is the firt I Canoon and New that is the II  Canoon . in the exactitudity in when odl textaments . A D C  intro of ones 1.500 years.  intry the dfferent Authors  in exactitud ity 40 Men.  intry its Men fiedls. king priets .lawguislator and humilitys  fhismen . incluying sapient profhetys.  the Bible in the introducction and contenited the  profhecy and the  history . and theaching for the live humans. in the order divine of the Scriptures. in the direcction of  the texts, e inspiration Divines. and the firts Rulers  of order .biblicals. that permited on lectures in the firts texts, of Genesis. and others inspirateds parages.  intry the Scriptures and your order  is the Nexts .  Biografhy  literatures  and part of the Novel in history reallys for the example the texts inspirated of Ruht and Noemi is on humility and special texts intry the Generation of the history Biblicals. in Great experiencies. and vision. of the Scriptures. and the contextuals Originals. hebrew.  in the inspiration of Spirit Saint. in the  order Divine.
Note the Nexts Expretion is the Greek koine insuflex. is the tranliteration of inspiration intry the fiedl writter of the Lord God.  in the activity . biblicals. originals. God speak to the Mind of  the firts  Saint  writter in spirit Saint  and trueth. in the scriptures in 2 Great topic in firts I  textamentarys and II textamentarys  in the the firts Great textaments  to lihgts of lord part of the scriptures in 2 importands lenguages the firts I Hebrew Arameo. and the II in lenguage koine Greek odl. and part of the history of character Really. intry humility Men  in the vocation inspirated and Divine of the Order Originals.
in the lord God  in the Generations. of  today.


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