the Sacrificies in the Nation and Representation in the Scriptures.

on New Moorning in my nexts Explain intry the offertory and Sacrificies in isreal. well the sacrificies is the part manys importands in the studies of the Scriptures. and the inspiration Divine. intry the Son of isreal in times inmemorials  Lord God . adverticed the Sacrificies of animales in the texts of Exodus. and the laws . that is part of the Holys presents  to the trangrestion. know in the studys hermeneutics how . Sacrificies special. in the past long Days only in the Scriptures the Sacrificies Represent to trangrentions in the odl alliances. and on model future of lord Jesus chrits. in the Redentions . of the ours trangeretions. in times of the New alliances and Conveniuons.  is the Saint prefigurations of Model in the time of the Lord Jesus chrits.  in the Redentions. and the New alliances. ihts is the New textament on alliance Differentials. to others in past times .inmemorial  in when to the Decalogued of the law  Divines. to Reading the Scriptures . the law only in the Conveniuon of the Lord Jesus Chrits.  he is the Mejors Model in the exactitudity of New alliances and Conveniuons . on Nexts and New pact  in the trueth Studies of the Scriptures. and the example ofon New conveniuon to the laws of love and the plenitudity in Misericordings of the  how sume Redentors and Really Priets . in the line inspirated of melchiseded.  in the Exactituditys of the inmemorial Scriptures . in the Lord  Chrits is the trueth laws to Mens. in sellectives Missings. today. is Different to laws  in the odl people of isreal Now is on New Decalogued in the person humility of lord Jesus chrits . a so muchs Generations today  in Manys Great love for the  the Redentions . just to the valors of yours people.
Note achademical  in the last firts times of culte and trueth Adoreations isreal  in the Sacrificies is on of the representations in the justics to on people in the Redentions. in the texts Maguistral of Book in the Hebrew he fiedl Aspostle Paul adverticed of the signal of  the laws  in when the offertory. in nexts texts inspirated that Remenberings the Statuted of inspirated law in theDivine and  humility person of the  lord Jesus the Nexts cite Hebrew champert 7 to versicule 27.


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