The Texts in Exact Formations.

The firts Rulers of Canoom and the Notablys Researchvs in model original of the texts of Exodus is part of the Originals Copys of the {thanah} Hebrew  in the line direct of the compareations of the Canoom. in the Scriptures. the odl Copys , mys firts Recients writtings  in when to valors theologals  in originals odservations. in when to firts texts Hebrews inspirated . in the Studies of perfect Canoom of the Scriptures . is Necesary view on Comperations Exact in the Vislumbry of Canon . and is the part of the Examination of the Study . in Exact Country of papirus . and not the changes adsoluted in when to others translation . inthe Nexts Lenguages  Enghlits and Germanys. and part of Sphanisth  in copy original exact . the firts theologues in Kumran respect the texts and the formations of Canoon in vertion of the Scriptures. in 1947- in first exploration . and  the odl Ancester Eceniuos. the word inspirated of Lord  God.  in presrvation exact and lingiustical of other Canoom and the Rulers. and part of the Scriptures. to on exact Nivel theologals. and Armonicals of the texts . in translation . to other formes lingiusticals . in the odservation of the  formation in the only Scriptures.  in this Moornings . my person writter the positive formation of the Exact Studies of Canoom in the vertion of the Scriptures. and aspect  in the Studies of firts lines. inspirateds of the odl textaments  to lihgts of texts in the trueth origings. in Kumran and your Return   to last times of  the past . always  in the formation of Canoon Dr very Exautives . that not changes types  of greamatical . yeah not in direction of Texts Hebrew. original . in 70 Mens  in the longs period of sextuaginte and vulgaris latinus verbum. Biblia Sacra. in Exact compratetion of texts and order Eclesial. of the translation . to lenguages Conmon the firts Saint Jeronimus Dalmatia alexandry. in translation of text Greek to latin. in Bethelem. in correct possition inter lingiusticals. in the Study of Masorectical. in interminablys years. in ask not of on Doctrine yeah not the Sacra scriptura  Divinum verbums  and not changes the significated and your lenguages vernacules. in direction Exact. to truth  present to lihgts of the Just Conveniuon. and Diatteke . in lenguage Greek class is the lineal Koine and lenguage Hebrew Class and part of the translation theachings and valors christians originals.


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