The Texts of Exodus and the Signal of The lord Jesus chrits.

in the insignity texts of Exodus and the laws in  the person of Moshes , is on the Representation  in the texts Hemeneutics and  the Declaration  formal  in ours Studies in the laws in firts Menbhers of isreal . in last times of the  past,  and Significated in ours inmemorial times to the Listen. and  Reflextion in the paper in Armony in firts texts . lingiustical of the lenguages  hebrews. the Expretion {yot } is the point Mejor in the Decalogued and firts formations in the Scriptures Respect
 to the fiedl Armony of the holy laws is the Conmandaments  very importands to the humanity. in the fiedl and humility person of lord  Jesus chrits . in the Graces Eternal. and Divine of part of the Representation of lord  Jesus chrits to Men.  in the Scriptures. and Obedients to listen. and livings the Greace Divine Not Meritory  yeah  not  for love Eternal to  the Divine person of lord  Jesus chrits .  in the similliar compareations for the texts Hermenetics of Exodus . that is on signe of the lord jesus chrits how Great Magnus Priets intry the Men. today . in Representation of model in  the Sacrificies  of the Inmemorail times of past.  in signal . propiciatory in the cruxifictions. and the trueth  to ours times .
Note only the just Priets intro in the Santuary to the just offertory for the trangreations and Error of ours injustics . the lord Jesus chrits is the Exact Representation of the Sacrificies in the times inmemorials. in the holy Exact truth  to eyes testimonial of the Reverents holys  Scriptures. in the odl part of santuary. in whe are the Saint people Remenbering Anual mind yours trangretions . its is only on Example of the events . intry  the firts I Return of  ours lord  Jesus chrits. in model  of on type. to the valors of the Scriptures.and texts, in direction ilustrated to events just of the humility person in the lord Jesus chrits. 


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