the Consept of the Error vs the truth

the Scriptures is the truth in know.Biblicals and in the Inspiration Divine .  Not is Equal  to the formation Erratical humans  herejicals . in the Actuallity  and in the Events . of the history interdenominationals.  in the firts I Centurys the humilitys firts phater christians  livings in the fiedl love Genuine for lord God  in the Magistral person of lord Jesus chrits.  in the Cavers of the chatacumbes  and part of theachings  just . in the honor to the person of lord  Jesus chrits.  the  Erraticals herejias . ihts  in the firts Centurys not is acept.  in the conmunity christians of firts Dicipules . and lidhers  of Eclesium .firts I  in the Churth in  Every the Empire. and in the City odl  jerusalem.  in when the  firts Apostacys  and formations Herejicals . of truth evengelion in the humility person of  the  lord Jesus chrits in the last times  of the  Apostolicals
 Ministerys  the firts investtigation in based to Nexts Writter  in joshepus and  others historian Romen   theaching that the firts dicipules love the truth . christians. and your vocations Genuine to firts . Events in the act of lord God.  yuor firts thematic in the last firts times in century I . is ours lord Jesus chrits and yours truth Evangeliuons. to Doors   in the theaching historical Biblicals .  Divines. in the Scriptures. for the firts conmunity christians is the Name and the truth of the  lord Jesus chrits. beyonds of the Apostacy. in firts intrepetation the fiedl firts Comutys Christians.  Speak of the lord jesus Christ  and the passing profheticals. in the compretion of the Scriptures . in the years 90 -100  and 315 in Rome and the period of the history papal . now the theachings is on in the frebril Aspostacy  intro in bening of the Arrianistics , and beliervfs to firt Day of week. in the Nexts Day occidental of Sunday. the humanity christian benings the firts falses types of Erratical Apostacys in the Times.  and the history . the Agnosticals theaching is introducctory in the Romanistic Great Comunity  and others types of theaching and philoshofies liberals of character Erraticals   the view today to ours Eyes. is on truth very Exact in Similliars to  the Apostacy .  wordl . and ours Defences for the Causes Ocult and Denegates to Eyes of Milies of person humilitys. that of on forme  a  others . livings in liers  Doctrines . in the Ramifications actual. and not Biblicals. point . in the just respect for So Muchs person . to who are love . in the   valoratives  honors  in times of Century XX  2 Men develated the Controvertials . formulations of  the firts Erratical Theachings  the Dr Rivera . and 2 the Dr and historiam Eduard Raymond franz  in the past the Reformations of the inttellligens and Saviours  Drs  in the Reformers protestantics in the European.  and today the Sincerity and humilitys person awake to truth . in the Conciencies. and in the Error and  Notablys and today the  Ocult tradictions of the Men  that ocult the truth .in the present Centurys. XXI only the Scriptures speak of the truth  desvatated for the Egoistics Men in the power Religiuon Secullars  and of on Manery descarated this  is Denegated. when the truth is  always Revelated. in the Canoom of the Scriptures. to Eyes of the humanity.


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