the Great Humans Controvercy. and the paper of the Scriptures

the wordl what only views to ours  vision is on wordl of Great Controvercies  in the Direction of the Ecene of the history in the Eventof the Bible  in Ours Conciencies  in total Sinceritys . and is on point in Studys   ¿ why  in Based to truth Christians . well in the Scriptures present the humility truth  to Eyes of the Men  in yours  Menssagers and Relations.  the profhety is exact in ours times and the Evidency mores . direct   and is when views the testimony of the Events . in the wordl . in the predicctions of the Scriptures . and texts in convertions  to Must   in the Conciencies of the  Reason Christians  and the justification of the fiedl  Conciencies in lordJesus chrits .  in the today Secullars  humans Society
the Menssager not is critics to others in the Events of the Scriptures is  theach  the truth  lost that only today Must  not Undhertands  in when to the  ¿ why  Men  Changes the truth for the falses opinions in yuors Conciencies.  in the testimony of lord Jesus chrits .  in the valors of the Men fiedls  in the justics Divine  my humility person   in the experiencies of the  Causes  what  view in the wordl in globalization . in who are  Must  today  must in on type of Crisis Global for  the Humans Societys Secret and the igconites the Darks  andEgoistics intro Must in the wordl of the Churth Chatolics . existing Son Sinceritys  and  the part  of Great Men . just  that pugned for the others reason .  sinceritys . in the Awake and for others point Must Christians Reformers   in when to today truth of the Scriptures and the texts .  in the humility person of lord Jesus chrits in on wordl in the Dominiuon of the Ricks Egoistic  in Great part of the Hemisfheriuons.  what  only  view the wars and the controvertial in my Reflextions.
please  the love  the Consagration and the Christians Vocations is Manys importands what milies of Criticals . and the Solution to the Really  hope  for the Manys humilitys in Ecences Economics.  in the Manys Great valors  and love profunds in the live of milies of person  what  Necessary Mind  is just  in heplt to others in the Bible  and the love Christians .  my person . in mys profund Excuses .  for mys writter  in  my Really Experiencies . living in the equal Circunstantial what Milies of person . in the Reason Economics today .  i love  mys writtings  in the humility Conciencies of the truth Christians  and existing Milies of person .  to who are love in Sincerity fraternal.  in EUA  and part of the others Nations.  in  the Sincerity valors in past and the present.  and the hope in the  lord Jesus chrits . today.
Note the valors of the Every Christians is the person  just and Divine of lord Jesus Chrits   in the Representation of the truth history of the Eges  and the times   in when the proclamation of the truth Christians. and   Not  the liears  in the  perspectived of the Men  and the Nexts Generations. in the History. in the  Ecences Christians   and just. in the memory of lord God in  on wordl in Seriuos comflicts Spirituallity and Cosmics. today. 


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