The Hope in on Wordl in The Controvertials

today    Every in   ours  Humanity  in the hope intry the Differentials Conflict in the Wordl for  culpe of  the Great  pontentials what  only permited the wars intro the others peoples. in the truth only Existing on Great hope  is the Menssagers of the Salvation  in the humility person of lord Jesus chrits . to the  Men.  the humanity in the past  permited 2 Great Controvertial Wars for the tall power of the Men.  and today  others types of wars in the Hemisferiuos. what  permited Very Must  Dangerus . to the childrens and the yours phaters.  intry the Great and Egoistics Nations  in figures of heros  only views in the nexts and News  in the Report  the Rames of wars and inhumanity in the Men. Egoistics and the Unglys intro of the Small peoples . ihts is on Causes only for the Sinceritys Reason just  in views of Egoistics Cruedl intry the humanity. in the Great Nation of today. and yours politicians. and the falte of love Genuineds in the vision of the humanitys  in colombian and Medio Orient in the Causes of the Isis. and the injustics Social . in the Great Governaments in the power iluminatis and the Searchs  of Comflict Aisllated in the others Nation . in the truth the hope not is on false Gobernament of the Wordl Egoistic  and Corrupted what part of False New Order international. in Conspiracy . of the Small peoples   in the injustics Ecnical And  Racials   in the Desorganization falses   in on peace  Momentanys  in the Error in the Men what only Gobernaments  in yours  Rulers  how Small  Criatures in total tyranies   in the Manys tall powers  in your Egoistics Hands.  and in the hipocrecys
the Major hope is the humility Salvator jesus chrits .  that is the Great kings  intry the what today Gobernaments. in the face of the Earth  in the planet.  this is the truth hope  of love. Divine. forevers. Saint Matthew champert 24-versicule30 in truth ecene of the wordl and power Egoistics today. of the false Mission of  New Order falses. what only liears the humanity in Dominuions Falses
Note the Sigla Achademical  NWO.  News Order of the Edges  in the humanity  and only Existing Societys falses to Arounds of ihts enlaces Seriuos. in the Face of the Earth and Every in  the orbe  in the planet  in tall and egoistics Gubernaments States in the Wordl Actual  united to Saint alliance of Rome in the way of the Actuallitys in the tall pontential in part EUA. and the rest of wordl Darks . in conspiration . for Most in the Notably humanity only yuors faces is hipocrecy and the rest united of others Nations in the activity incluying the Romanistics.hipocrcy in character Religiuons in the Actuallitys  InMoral  and Egoistics  today to Eyes of on humanity what only sleep in yuor  to Eyes.


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