the Nation of the Earth in the profheticals Missings.

the profhetical texts from Daniel in the inspirated Book  Speak of the Events today in ours Contemporanys Days . and others Sucess Extrordinarys in the Times of the Nation in the Face of the Earth   in firts pleace Babylon  Media and persina . Greek  and Rome and the wordl plitician and Religiuos . in the Actuallity incluying the wordl Scientistics. and the Nation in total Declived in ours actuallitys Days.  the lost Empire in the part of the Statues is  Rome Empireial.  ¡ why  is the Desendencies  of  today wordl Occidentals. in the factor of the Missing profhetical and the Convertion for The Great Constantine Magnus of vastion of wordl Call pagan to the Sacrus .  in the Generation of the history . odl and Comtenporany Rome is transformated in today on Long Empire in character type Religiuons  in Great States . in the lost Nation of wordl in the System odl EUA.  in 1776 the firts Declareation for the Phater in  the ilustred Fundations .  and the Union of the Benefactor intro of wordl papal. in the order profhetical . Moders  and Occidental. of the pagan Traditions. Ancenstral  in the wordl of Nation of today.  E .U .A   and the others Hemisfheriuons of the Face of the Earth. in Control. and for lost the Second Reuturn of lord Jesus Chrits. in Glory and power Divine.


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