The Scriptures and I-II Wars of the Wordl. in profhetical Events.

in the firts Moment of the Studies of the Scriptures and texts .in the I-and II Great Battles the firts Christians  Adventistics and  and yours Jhewist familys in the contextuallitys  historys  in the firts persecution for Hitlers .and the humilitys familys .in the years  of  1945  the culte  and Churth in the total proscription . and equal to others and Nexts Comunity how the Jehovah whitsnees in Germany .in the the proscription of the II Great wars of the wordl .and the ideal of the  funtion Christian in pugned for the truth . and the love of the Lord God in jesus chrits   in the proscription equal  to Brother major the Hebrews cautivedin the Germany . in the Etape of the injustics Great Wars . for the proscripted Hitlers. the Great proscription and persecutions. intry the Son of the Churth  Adventistics in Europe .is the firs Repherential of the Great Wars. injustics  in Every of the times and Generations. the IIGreat Battles equal what the firts I  for Otto vong Birmarks in the Great Germany .in wars . the Shabbat is the Day in the what Lord God  Created for the Humanity  in Answers in that Every Europeans  in the pugned of injustics wars . the Bible  exercises on funtion importands in the Major proscription . of others Comunitys .the Brother jhewist advestistiscs and the intrepics jehovah whitnesees  in the valors to testimony of the wars injustics of Adolp hitler , the Nazis Nevers  Acept the Scriptures   in the possition Jhewits Christians in the  Germany.  of Adopf hitler  the Brothers Jhewist conming in the Studies of the Scriptures in the Great part the Brother Advestistics Sinceritys and the valors to the others milies of Comunitys in the Coodl  Germany  in  the Concertations Countrys  theys Conming  in the menssager . and fiedl  testimony.  Examplar  in peace in your lives and undhertands  yours just valors.Christians.
Note Germany  live in the last times  on Great proscription in the Christianistics in the call Nationalistics populars in the Class Major and the Studies of the  Scriptures.  the valients Brother jhewist Conming  in the Ecencees of the valor  to the fidelitity Christians   today in this  Afhertmoon writter in Memorys of Milies in the last times in the valors just. and Humilitys. totheys in  the inmemorian conming in the theach  and the virtuditys of on wordl in justics. and valors. just.this is on Great manys of 79 years.


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