The Texts in the inspiration of the Scriptures Ezras

in the year of the Nexts Moon  of  Nizan in 538 -473  in the Great time of the Cautivery in the Persian Empire  Ezra on fiedl and just Man of lord God. in the  scriptures and the originality of theRelated of the texts. inwhen the admirably Sucess of the times and the  law  isreal on people Cautived for the Strangers and the valors to hope in liberty .for the Act  of lord God in the Generation this is on of the intteresanting texts of the linel  in the Cronology of Cannom  odl Hebrew . in  the Copylation of the investtigation  for the Archeology  and the lecttures of the  Scriptures
Ezra is on  texts Extrordinary in the studies of Moorning of Sunday to The Generations . how on Day Conmun to Generation of the times .  in the truth of the Scriptures and the past.  inmemorials. is Ezra un just copys in the law and decalogued to   isreal.
and in when to valors of
the Scriptures . on vision of the truth in present possition of  the history is in just part on Reason to Most Generation of the history of the times. in the way of the Scriptures  Note achademical theologal history  the valor  toMen fiedl and the example of the Scriptures is the Major Evidential.inspirated


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