The texts in the odl Hermeneuticals. and the Exposition

the Archeopaleografhy and texts in funtions is on views in the  just  and importands today in the Ecences of the Hermeneuticals . in Mission of the Undhertand the texts odl hebrew and the Nexts Texts in the Koine Greek vertions origuinal inthe exposition hermeneuticals in theManys important vertions. possition inthe Mission biblical exposed and the  original  Rulers  in the Studies of the texts hebrew. views in the types of expretion and Parages in the perspectived Nexts my texts favorite is Genesis  in the Nexts champert 1 -ves 34. in the contextual Mission  of  the verifhication . of the Events. of the Scriptures and the Exactitudity of the  Mission Archeological in the exposition of the Scriptures and the Major fountain of the investtigation .
and perspectives . in the Nexts point. the bible and the Armony of inspiration is exact in the lands of the Scriptures and the parages. in expossition in isreal . well my person Never .know its wonderfull Earth in my Nexts Descriptions. and thematicals.  for my just part studie the Canoon intteresanting in the locations.inspirated and the parages. biblicals in exactitudity and just honors.

in the Studies originals in the Exactitudity textuallity in the texts in funtions. inspirated of  the Book inspiratd of the Genesis and others texts in the New vision of the studies in the Genesis . in the investtigation of the Act of the lord God. in word inspirated and truth history. in the Generations ofthe studies in the Scriptures.
the Generation of  Genesis and the vocation Genuines  in the vertions . and translation to the  koine Classic vertion and part of  the vulgata latina in New vertion vulgarus latinus . for Dalmatian jeronimus in Alexandry and  part of the Exactitudity of the texts in the original. paralelles in the vertion  and point exact. of the Studies Major in the Scriptures and parages in the Bible history. and others
Next  texts in the testimony of the fiedl  history of isreal. Historial Note Achademical view the nexts testimony in the Relieved of  Asiryan  Asurpanipal. in the Kings pagan of the Scriptures and the texts. 3.600 years Besfore  of the  I Return of lord Jesus chrits. in the  testimony Biblical Exposives


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