The Texts of the judges in isreal and the Scriptures

the lawguislator in the firts texts of the Canoon Explorative  in theScriptures is Moshes  inspirated in the Scriptures Divines and the Phenthatuco  in  the Nexts 5 firts texts and the Related of the  Genesis. in when to valor Inspirated of the Canoon  in the odl vertion of the thorad and the ketuvines in hebrew the texts of the Berichit Genesis in ours lenguages Enghlist and Sphanist  and part of odl masoretical . studies in the Canoon Hebrew and Greek. thescriptures live in the Expretion inspirated original and the Canoon of the firts texts Hebrew and the texts Neo-textamentary in the part Christians  original. in the studies  of the texts. and law.
Note Achademicals the order Exact of Canoon is on of the Manys importands in the valors of the Scriptures and the truth theach . in  yours texts.  is the just  Studies in the Biblical Related in Evidential of the Events and Related in Manys  Centurys Generationals


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