The Truth and the just Valor fiedl to the Scriptures

the just valor Originals  Christians is the firts topics of Undhertand  to  the Scriptures  and ours live in continue forttalecy is on the Manys Representatives  and Majors Fountain in the history  of  the humanity in the texts of the Scriptures and the valor of the Divine person of lord Jesus chrits is the  Only texts in Charcter inspirated in the Mores Great Studies Biblicals. Original in  The  Reading and  the Model in virtuditys in the LordJesus chrits .  in the wonderfull promecy of the  love Geniune Manys that  love  to others Model of Causes.
on Day the Men  in the Manys Just promecy of live Eternal . in the Humility and fiedl person of lordJesus chrits .  in on wordl in total Division . and  Fears  in the humility person of lordJesus chrits  in yuor love Divine  and in Yuors Hands  of love  Search  on Hope intry on humanity in declived and injustics . and Egoistics. in who are the power only is falses  the Lord Jesus chrits is the Great Hope today for yuo . and Most in the face of the Earth in when to the Salvation Divine,  to the Men in the face of the Earth . and the valor Christians in Studies Manys importands  for Milies in the  others Nations.  on Day  search my windoow  of livings Room  and My Oration is the Nexts  lovely in Great virtudity . to soMust  in the Memory of lordGod. in the Solid Hope in  Happiness  and the valor Manys just  in truth  and sincerity . of the fiedl valor for Milies of person in the other part of the face ofthe Earth .  in the person of the Lord Jesuschrits in hope and Redentions. forevers  and in happiness for the humility Christians what part of lordJesus chrits . forevers. in valors and hope..
today to humanity in fears and injustics is my humility lordJesus chrits forevers..your


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