The Truth in the Archeology and holy Texts.

the Related of the philistines and Sanson is on of the Manys just in the importand of the Acheology  in the Studies of the Bible  and the Armony of the inspiration Divine in the  truth of the history inspirated  and the contextual model of the armony original in the Scriptures and the texts.
Note in the selecctions of the Related of the Book  in the  Nexts texts of the firts Judges and the Archeology of the Scriptures and the vision of the firts Related in thewonderfulls inspiration Divine and the wars  intry the Small peoples pagan in the longs years of the texts in the judges  and the vision of Angel of the lord to just family of Samson . and the just asignature of the Service profhetical of  just profhety  woman  Deborad in the studie of the Reguister inspirated . this is on wonderfull of the texts in Great truth of the visionof the Saint Related in the judges  in special sanson  and other s inspirateds texts .
in the Century I   Firts  D. E. C  .the ilustred and Eminent writter hebrew  joshepus flavios descripved this   Nexts  texts  in Recopylation of the    odl Memorys of the  thorad and kethuvines. in the Really importand of isreal. in just profhety of the Members  just in thehistory Divine. of the texts. in the direct Copylations  inspirated in the Canoom inspirated origuinals for the odl  priets  of  the temple.
the  Exact Date in the Scriptures is part of the Related in the texts in the judges in the wonderfull inspirations in the biblical History inspirated in the inmemorial Canoom


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