the valor to truth Christians

the Scriptures and the Studies is the Truth Manys   importands that the Nexts  thesis  intry the wordl of the  Falses Doctrines and Dogmes for the  Men. the truth Christians . is Based in the Scriptures  and texts of the Bible and fiedl theach  in the humility person of lord Jesus  Chrits. the Bible in the word inspirated today in ours times . 2 thimothy  3 champert versicule 16   in the  truth that in ours  vocation to lord Jesus chrits .   for Milies of Centurys the men Change the truth for the liears and the just Dedicatory the lihgts of the Scriptures . in the Exactitudity of the texts . milies of the Doctrines , and Doxologys falses .  in the Mind of the Men . and  the Negations of the Truth of the Scriptures. in the wordl. Actual Muchs Not Acept the Bible how Guide  in the live . yeah not  others point Falses. in when the theach Christians  in the firts   Century  the firts phater of the  primitive Churth  Christian Acept to the Fiedl and Divine person of lordJesus chrits and Not the traditions of the Men.  in the time. the truth theach  Suffer  on transformation Evidential in the Finals of the  Eges   and Must  Acept the Falses thesis . incluyings Great Gubernamends and other inocents peoples in  the Great Controvercy today is vital to ours Salvations  in the Original Menssager Divine
and the New formations of the  Philosofies  Falses  and Doctrines .  intro of the Mind of Must   today.
in the history of  The United States of American and others Nations.  is Acept today . Milies of options Not inspirateds . the Mezcle intry the Fragmasonery and the Christianistics Apostate and Falses Signals. in the Mind of Must Inocents.  person . in longs Period of the history Humans.  the firts Churth Chrsitians  in the period Romen Acept the truth in the humility and Divine person of lord Jesus chrits for the Salvation .  in my nexts writter  in Based the firts Fiedl christians . and the Eges in who are  livings . the Guied is the false hope .  in Men. in plenitudity and in the power Egoistics and the Ambitions . humans.  in Major Grade. possibly  today.  only that Must today Not acept the valor to lord Jesus chrits . Jhon Chmpert 3 Vs  -16   in the Society in the power and Manys tall Class Egoistics. and  What only theys  opted for yuor Auto-Determinations. in not acept the truth law .of lord God.
the Great and Millions of  the  Act in ours Society . is  Evidentials   when  only Acept the liears .  and Not the truth Chrsitian . in the humility person of lord Jesus chrits .  in Really  yuor  vision is other Similliar to wolfs  in the Captured of yuor  Criature Inocents.
the wordl Apostate  Not Acept the humility Redentions of lord Jesus chrits only in others Milies of Diners and post Card Credit   to the truth Vocation is  only view how. Regullars.  and Aislatted.


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