the Valors to truth Chirstians And The Events of the Scriptures

the truth is the Scriptures  and the Reason of the Evidentials. what Conmoved to wordl. and the  present word of lord God in the Conciencies of Milies of humans  Ecences .  is necesary views  in the Humilitys  Studies of the word of lord God what Existing on direct truth . in the figure of the history .  and is in firts pleace Lord Jesus chrits .  what Every Society   Secullars in the humans history
in the 2 Great Times the firts  I-and II Great wars of the wordl  and the manipulation of the Scriptures and the Character Opossitors in the proscription of the Edges  and the Centurys. for the Humilitys familys Christians    in 1945  who are Know thehistory and Studies of the proscriptions inthe wordl Christians.  and studies in the praxys Biblicals and the texts . views point in the firts orders Gubernamentals . in the opossition of the Scriptures. in the times of longs Century XX. in your pugned for the  Obedients and the truth Christians. in solid pugneds  and peace   today Great Men in yours Assignatures . Ex-funtionarys . and the  papal  power  in the history of  Great II wars of the wordl. in times of wars . and Major partof wordl Eclesial  today. in the controvertial posture and Opossition of the truth Eternal. to Man in justics  and love  in lealtaditys  to scriptures . in the years of the Wars II. milies of Germanys youngerss  in the firts file of the wars on the Ex-pope Beneditte XVI in the Nexts files intry the Youngs Bertmads  in the Germany Nazi. is Necesary on Great Question ¿ why  iths   topics    in the history.
Note the Youngers Bertmads Trainings  for the Militarys Forces of Gestapo in Germany.  only for the order in Rebels types . the firts . only hitlers and yuor team Great yuongers  for on Missing  in times Major of wars the Bertmads occupy the Atentions of the  figures  Darks of Adolp hitler  in the Germany. and trainings  to boys Schollaristics only for on Missing  Denegates   opretion to humilitys familys jhewits . and Christians. Disidents. in the Activity Nationalistics  inthe direction Hitlers. in my actuallity studies .  in homenages the Evidentials. intro the youngs Bertmads in the history of the wars injustics .and Opossition Christians.  well in My just and humility and personal  evidency   on Question and Auto Reflexions.  ¿ why the pope Beneditte XVI  in line Nazi. in the odl past of long Century XX in Evidential testimony  of the  long past in the  history  and  the Truth in the Scriptures  what is valiots in the  inspirated  and Studies  perspectived


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