The Archeology Biblicals in the Honors to University Shurdt Advenstistics of the 7 Seven Day Atlanta States of Georgia.

the investtigation of the holys Scriptures and the Archeologys Biblical Exploration is part of the texts . and the vocations in the Studies hermeneuticals. in the part of the Reformers . in the Analitys .in direction to on parages in holys Scriptures . in the holy inspiration Divine of the texts  is  on homenages to the youngs of the Shurdt Advestististics Exploration in the university . and the compareation of the texts the instituted  international Schollaristics of the Jhon Knox. and the honor to the university adventistics of the Shurdt in the states of Atlanta in Georgia. is on just honors on homenages. of instituted of the jhon knox. in florida  States  and in ours local city Barranquilla -colombian  in Great investtigation for the Archeologys Biblicals Explorations.  and Studies. for the investtigation of the Events just in the Scriptures Congreaturetions. university. the nivels of the Exploration Biblicals. permited on of the part manys Examplars in the texts biblical and the land of isreal.  in firts pre -timesOdl textamentarys. in the Scriptures. How  view  here.


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