The Archeopaleografhy Divine and the fiedl Scriptures .

Every when   the Studies of the truth and the just lenguage Biblicals.  original. part of hebrew. and the Rames Aramea  this is on Studies in the possition. Divine in the others type original of  the Greek Koine. classic . when Study the Scriptures the origings of the Versicules and parages is the fiedl s Writter s of  the Origings . primary in the history odl Textamentary . Explian  I  textaments. and part of second Textaments in lenguage Koine in the Greek original not is the Actual Greek Moders  in the Actuallity. is differents. to the lenguage Greek of ours actaullitys  in the prsent just Days in the Century XXI  . in the inmemorials  firts  Christians. and  the  Churth in the Anno Domini 59-65 D E C  is on privilegy to Generation  of the Wordl intry the humanity  in the vision Elementals  of the Scriptures . in the Original texts . in particulars the Koine Greek. and part of Arcaicus Hebrew, on lenguage in the firts pre -textamentarys differential to isreal Moders  
the point in the Scriptures is the Mission in undertands. the vertion of yuor parages . in the Model direct . in the New textamentary and the odl textamentarys in the Examinings . on aspect . of yuors  Armonys. in lenguage Conmon.  in the respect for the translations.  exact. in the line of the texts in conservations. in the firts Century the firts Christiians . love the valors to The Scriptures . in undhertands . of the just proposed. Divine. in the Small Comunitys. in the Europe of Century I. in the share the Reason . of the Divinus Scriptures and the inspirations. well the Paleo .Archeology is part . of on humility Evidency in the texts Odl. and the Nexts Reading and Lecttures . formals. in the inspiration Divine and lenguage Correct.  in the just Model in translation Christians. originals.
the texts Greek is justmind Exact. in the lenguages  koine . to the  Equals odl lenguages hebrew Arameo,  in the Scriptures and the texs.  in the firts Century and ours today Edges  of the CenturyXXI
part of the Studie just to Examining the originals inspirated  Scriptures. in the texts odl.   how is undhertands  in Country originals. just. in the Centurys.   in the lenguages  direct. and the Respect for the Canoom. in studies. Actual.


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