The intelectual And the Vernacules Texts in Lafrebre,

the valors of texts in lafrebree Freach on of the Nexts Studies in theology is in when the Hermeneuticals in the ilutred Dr Lafebres in the importands Longs Days of the Reformers   ¿ why  on of the formations of the Eminent Dr Lafebre in the analitys of the the Scriptures is the correct Hermeneutical in the vertions odl of the Greek Koine. Hermeneus. in ours Significations how.  Menssagers Divinus . in correct explain.   this is on the correct point in the studies profunds of the Scriptures . and the Researcvhs   of the Canoon  lafebree is on example know. in the history of fIrts Phater of the Reformers in the 2 texts  firts 1 odl textamentarys and the 2 New Textamentarys.  in the texts Hebrew arameo . part of on undhertand the truth Canoon . and diretions of the Scriptures .
Note Achademical. the investtigations of the Scriptures . is on model asosiated to  the examinations  Biblical. correct. in the order .  the that permited to  the Dr Martin luther. in Sajonia and Great Part of part of Germany.  and Nurenbhergs   is the comparations of the Relateds . in the Order Hermeneuticals in the Studies of the Scriptures in correct activity.  in when to texts. of the Scriptures Conmentary the part of texts is on type of list in verbs and significateds in the vertion Greek and latin part of  lenguage  hebrew odl  textamentarys  in the inmemorial Investtigations Hermeneutical of lafebreves   ihts is on copy  exact of on introductory  of the list in  the Original biblitiscal Studies  in the Dr Lafrebreves   in the Recopilation of the Dates and Significates intry the originals  Names of  lord God. in the holys  Scriptures in share here.


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