The Scriptures and the firts Churths in the firts Century.

the firts texts what  speak of the firts Comunity is the Book inspirated of the Act  in Saint Apostles . the Scriptures Explain the Just Missing  in the Menssager in the humility person of lord Jesus chrits.  to others Nation and person. in
the  longs Days of the Century firts. the Men just of lord God prayings . and Divulgations of the Just Menssager to others Nations. in the isreal. and Great part of Empire of the Romen. in the Menssager of valors to others humilitys person in the history New Textamentarys. in the Regusiter inspirated of the Scriptures in the Nexts Book Act. in the years Domini 59-62. D. E .C  the valors profund to the Menssager of the Salvation . in lord Jesus chrits in Every the Empire of the Romen  is necesary know .  ¿ why  theys in the Great Menssager of valors . well the scriptures Explain that theys living united and fiedl to the saint proposed Divine in the just and humility person of lord Jesus chrits . and Guard  the Saint Convenant   in the firts Churth  primitives of Century Firts. and the Active and just predication in lord Jesus  chrits. in the city in jerusalem and afthers to Every Empire. others fiedl Reguister historicals in the Menthion of the fiedl Christians. is Tacitus and joshepus flavios.  in the period of I -II Century D E C   and the Divulgation of holy Menssagers to Must in the history . in Greek asian Menors and others pleaces. in the Horrblys Days of Cesear Galigula Botitas.  in the Emperial House of the Eminent Emperator Tiberium Gracus in tall Mantion of the valley Fobis. the fiedl and  firt Christians Continued  in the valors just for ours lord Jesus  chrits.
Note Historical  the Moneys  in view here  is on Denariuom  in The Golden Metals. in the characteristicals . of the Emperator Botitas Claudios  Galigula.  in the tributed s and impuest in the Districs of jerusalem and others territories. in the firts I Century. D E C  jerusalem . in yours Days inmemorail in the Century I. in the Nexts Realated of the  Ilustred writter  Joshepus flaviuos. he make On Menthion . of on type  Statued in  possition Centrals to the Great  temple. in jerusalem . ihts  permited on small insurretion . in the Center. of the City. for the Statued  injustics of the Emperator Galigula. in yuor final days. 


  1. the testimony in the present . in when to firts Chrsitians . is the firts I testimony of the character historicals. in the Events New textamentarys Extra-Experiencials. in the history of firts christians.


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