The Testimony of The Emperators. And the Firts I Christians.

in the House of the Cesear and the Related in the vision . of the  firts .Sond and Familys Christians . in the Romen Empire . is on the thematical of Studies  in this  Nexts   Affthermoon   ¿ why is Necesary what Milies of person know. and  in Special  the Nexts and New Generations . in the Events of the Scriptures and the just Educations and the Know that others Not know yeah not part in the  ignorateds  for Every Causes. the firts I  Century . is on period in the history New Textamentarys . in the inspiration of  the  Related Truth  in the Events of the Scriptures. in Mores of  Every Must years in the investtigation of the   historial Reguisters  of others writters in Romen . how the Nexts Livio .titus  and Juvenal . incluyings to The Eminents Historiam joshepus flavios of oringing jhewis  in the Noblecy House of the Flaviatus.
in the Anno Domini. 59- 70 to the longs period of the Destrucctions of the City odl Jerusalem  Existing Milies of informations  intro of the Fiedls christians in Romen Emperials.  on of ihts is the Nexts . Liviuo  in who are  in yuors  Writtings  make on Chriticals to  the Emperator Nero. others is Juvenal I-II Century D E C   Juvenal speak of the Horriblys injustics of the Cesear.  in the Equal Aspect of the on In The Menthion. titus livio. and  others in Majors Causes in the  firts Centurys D. E. C   in Nexts .passing is other Ilustred Writter call  pliniuos the yuong. I II -III Centurys  on just writter what not permited what the Christians . Death  in the Romen Circus in forme injustics  to Eyes of the peoples 
when views this is Experiencies in the Activity .  only views  in that  ihts is part of Act in the Exact truth.  to the Studies  the truth History of the  firts familys christians in Romen Emperials.  and Great part of the future Colapsus of the Desvastantion of Empire for the tribues Barbarus.  in the Long final Days in firts Rebelions  and destrucction total of odl  linages Emperials.  in the past. The act of  the Neo textamentary to the  today Ecepticals. in yours Nexts Dudes is part of on Really vision . not only theologal and Spirituallity is on just  and inspirated Truth. to Eyes of the today Examings . the valors of the Scriptures in the fiedl person of lord Jesus chrits. and the truth christians. originals.  to the studies Original in the scriptures of theNew Textamentarys.
Note  the Romen Empire  proscripved to just and firts Familys Christians.   in your homes . only for the Menthion of the Name in the just lord Jesus chrits. and make on type of Spionagery to the Nexts House phaternal intry the Ilustred and Notablys Patriciuos. in the Center of the Romen City. and The Every Zones of the Nexts territories of the Empire of the Romen.  
in only speak of the humility person of  lord  Jesus  chrits.  Must familys theys ocult in the chatacumbes  for love the just and fiedl Menssager of lord Jesus  chrits.  the Beutifulls valors to the familys . in Romen . permited on vision to Noblecys Writters in the inmemorial longs Days. in writter  the Related of valient Son of lord God. in frontal opossition to the Emperator. Claudiuos . Affther Galigula.botitas. and others in the Nexts Generation. in the just victory . in the lordJesuschrits in the peace and the just valors .fiedl to  the just Conmandaments  and the Humility. in  the  justics. Divine.


  1. Note Achademicals the what permited to liviuos and juvenal writters of the firts Familys Christians is the valors to the fiedl Answer offiedl conducted in differentail justics. of others Romens. in longs yaers . 63-67 D E C and impulsed yaers manys Affthers to joshepus to the Nexts Descriptions. in the Anno DOMINI 76. in the valors of firts Men who are continues the truth theaching original of lord Jesus chrits. in the testimony of your Martirs in others Nation in the Explendors of the Romen Empire.


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