The Valors in the Geo-Territories in the Scriptures. and Texts.

the history Geniune of isreal.  in times inmemorial and the Studies of the Geo -Activity in the past . is on the Mores importands and fiedls in the Exactituditys  of the Scriptures . in valors of the Nexts Generations . today .
in this is Moornings. in the Really theachings and Education theo Geoghrafhy  and Anthropology . in  the Education Biblical . Originals. is theachings. the valors just of the Scriptures in the Geo territories . what is part of isreal on just people in the history of the Edges . and  ¿ why  is Repherential Mind importands . today know. on aspect in when to funtion of the Agricultures and the past of firts farmers in the the odl wordl of isreal. Remenbering on the peoples Manys . importands in the trayectory odl is isreal . and ihts in when to the Scriptures and the Bible.
injust Manery in the continues texts isreal is on Nation in prosperity. and the truth theachings  of the Revelations . Divine, in on people  in holy Conmunion . what So must know. in the  valors of on importand Missing in the history in fiedl Generations. today.
Speak of isreal and yuor Great past is for my on honor and privilegy Genuineds  in the history of the times and Manys in the inspiration Divine of the texts. in Saint Convenant of lordGod. in the firts laws and statuted holys.  incluying the Day solemnity of Sabbhat and the festival . in just theocracy. in the truth theaching Divine.
is in who are benings. and is the Major point in the plenitudy of the inmemorablys times.  in theaching original Divine and the decalogues. in the firts historys of Berichits and in ours lenguages Vernacules in when to the texts of  Genesis .Enghlits and  Sphanits  and others lenguages in the verbs conmon . of the humanity.  is my Dedicatory to isreal in the theology christians.  in the order Divine in the original Exactituditys.  in share to must shaloon  Adonai. Shema  isreal.
Note the Achademicals Archeology  In the insignity City actual telaviv and Jerusalem odl city . is on homenages to just land of isreal.  in Achademical of the times. inmemorial. is on honor for my share to Must familys in States uniteds and isreal. and must in others part of wordl. today.  thanks isreal . in the valors to on history original and Really.


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