The ¿ why Studies in the Scriptures what is part of my.

the Scriptures is my Major part Defhinited and not only is part of my is the valors just to others Generations . in the history is on the Manys Great defhinitions  in the Studies Universitary and the thematical original . Schollaristics. in the truth of the Scriptures . and the texts,  my person Juan carlos ocampo Martinez is on humility Studens in the Class Media.  in the intteresing of heplth to others person . in just humility i m Agradecing  in my humility live Schollaristics in the virtudity international and press Asociation international and Googles Earth in special to mys profesors And Drs   Edgar palacios Mizrait ,and paul Mendoza. and the instituted and the instituted of Schollaristics International in Miami florida . and the Presbisterians Reformers in my Adoptive City Barranquilla. of the jhon knox.  the Scriptures and the history is part of my truth vocation . in theology and the exactitudity of the texts. vocational.  in Cosmovision of the firts Dates in the Studies.  of Hebrew and arameo thanks the Must of youersells. to the New YorkTimes . Daily Mail. the Whashignton post and the Miami herald.  for youersells in the investtigation of the Biblical original Repherential international in isreal and telaviv and the Illustred University of champell England   and the love to holys Scriptures and the vocation to the Sciencies. to ours intitution jhon knox. in EUA   in florida and the ours valors to the love to mys Brothers of the University Shurdt Advenstistics of the 7 day. in the city of Atlanta in Georgia States. EUA .to theys thanks in love and humillity always. in Manys Great and Just valors.Christians . fiedls. and in just manery speak to on Great Society international of the history and truth in when Must not acept in the word Divine of lord God.  in Sincerity honor and valors and the truth simients of the Bible . and the history just. in ours Century XXI.


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