The Act of The Scriptures in The Paralelles of New Textaments IV Part

In the Moornings of  today .is on privilegy writter of  New of  the valors in  the New textaments   and Remenbering yuor Acts . in the Studies of the texts . of the Scriptures is for my on fiedl and humility Honors . to lihgts of the Scriptures and the Contexts  inspirated   in the possition History in the time. in the Anno Domini 34 D.E.C  Jerusalem . on City in the Act in the firts persecutions. of the firts Martirs Christians. for the Denegated Autorirty Hebrew in the Sanedrin  and the judges  in the proscriptions of truth Evangeliuons. in the time of the history . in that the humilitys and fiedl Men just of lordGod. in defences of the truth Christians ,
in the humility and Divine  person of lord Jesus chrits .   in the Related of the Nexts Book of the Act of the Saint Apostles . in the Events of the Scriptures and the texts . is for my in hours of the Moorning on Great honor speak  of the firts and fiedl Christians in Jerusalem . of the Century I and the originals Truth . in the texts of the Scriptures .
in the valors of the texts and the just testimony of the firts conmunity Christians in Jerusalem . in times of the firts Christians.
the I Century is on of the Exact truth in the texts of the Scriptures in when to the relation of  lord Jesus chrits .   in the firts fundaments of the fiedl Christians in the firts Century . and the valors and Honors of the Scriptures just.
in the firts I Century the Nivel of Autoritys Jhewis and the Rulers in the past  is  on part in constitution to Rome Empire and others in the Autority of the Elders . in Experiencies . the historiam Joshepus flavios on oculars whitsneses . Understand s the textimony . when Speak of the Great  legislatives of the Sanedrin. in the Laws and Statuted s of the Nation. in the  paralelles of New  Textaments  and the history of Century I  is on the manys importands possition in the firts proscriptions . intry the Elders . of the  Nation  in isreal in firts Century. I in when speak of the humility person of lord Jesus  chrits   to the people of  jerusalem.
Note Achademicals  the part Superior intro yuor front  theys uttility on type of Filatelium .in Guard the Sacro texts  of the lawguislator Moshes today continued  ihts  Seriuos  Act in the Magnus Comunity  hebrew original is Tefillins on tefillins in the times of past and today is on Box Small  portatils . in only open and closep  under on ocult and Small texts of odl thorah  in the Small copy of the  texts Masoreticals  Odl. in the Dedicatory literals. in the continued s Firts and I -II III Centurys. D E C  to ours longs Days of Century XXI in jerusalem for order of the Conmemorative tradition Hebrew in the Consagreation  internationals.  in view Share here to the  children and others humilitys person in others  Nations . today.


  1. The New textamentarys is on of the just model in the Scene of the Scriptures and the Major texts. in the Act Biblicals.Experiencials. in the studie of the texts.


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