The Changes and The Today possition Scienstistics in when to Bible V Part

The Scriptures  is the fiedl truth to the Nexts  types of thesis for the formation Evolutives  in the Actuallity and is Necesary develated on Great truth in when the Changes and the point original Educative in when to the Scriptures in the truth of the Nexts Studies Scienstistics Actual  Scienstistics of  the texts  of  Genesis 
the firts Scienstistics of the Edges  Medievals in the Concordancys and the praxys inspirated in the Scriptures  Jhoness Kepler and the illustred yuong copernikus  theys . view in the Scriptures on of the Studies comparatives in the Creations. in the Europe of the Century. XV -XVI in the vision of the universes and the phisys Moves . ihts permited in Must others longs times the vision of the Eminent universitary of Oxford  the Dr and sir Issac Newton.  and Besfores the illustred Sciestistics of orings italian the Dr Galileo Galilei. who are in just Manery and valors  Studies the Scriptures. in the times tall in that the Great Churth in possetion in Great Power. Eclesiastical and Educationals  not acept the thesis of the Galileo.
¿why in ours Next Answers  to the Seriuos Events of the Sciencies and the changes , in when to the Divines pages of the Scriptures . intry Must Eminent Scientsitsic Today . in the  NASA well  Must Scienstistics in the Eminent theory of the Dr Charlez Robert  Darwind   in  the  firts   Order of the Century XX  changes to on of the Eminents and Spiritual and phisys  Events of the Scriptures in on forms Graduals . in the universitys . Great in the face of the planet . Not Acept the Scriptures . in on mode acept the thesis of the Dr Charlez Robert  Darwind and in just Manery others continues thesis call. today in Days thesis Abiogenistics in tall developets of the Achademical Causes. how on Model Achademical and Religuions  Acept in  the others Sector of The order in  Rome and the Royal Society . and in just part in the vaticans.
in  my Nexts Cited Achademical of the Inmemorial  Ex - JHS  Priet s Dr Albert Rivera Romero. Must of the thesis Creationistics in the Great part Changes for the tall activity of the Similliars postureds the 1 the union in Achademical  formations . intry types of knoweled  Abiogesnistics . in the  Similliar point united to the  Evolutions.
the part of the Abiogenesis  is on type of theaching Seudo- Scientististisc  united to the  theorys of the Bing Bangs  well ihts types of  theorys  not make part of the insignity possition of  the Creations.
the  Achademicals this  is in when to the  changes . in the influencys  for the Schollaristics part of the Abiogenistics . in Great part of ihts types of thesis . in the Century XX - to  XXI  in the proyect Abiogenesis.  in Great part the theory Abiogenistics . is Similliars to today Theory Evolutionistics in denegation of the firts texts of Genesis in formations Hebrew. inspirated  in the texts of Genesis .
in Great part of the today in Major respect of the point universitarys . in the changes and point of the truth formulations of the that yeah existing on Creation. Generals in the exact order. of the Inmemorials Events . in ours today Really.
the Scriptures  is the texts in Major possition theologals .and Spirituals Great part of the Scriptures Ecersises on prueved of the Correct formations . to the   lihgts   of the Sciencies and others thesis how the Archeology in part the Antropology  and the lingiusticals Hebrew . and Arameicals . in the pages
inspirateds the Sciencies Searchs on possition . of the Great Changes  in the humanity. and the today investtigation Scienstistics. for Every. in the truth Scene of the texts of the  Genesis   the Scriptures present to Creation compatiblys in the Superfiecies of the waters  and the profund Ocean. for Medio of on Supra Creations. Exact , in the order human and thermodinics and Not Amorfes in the system of the Criatures in the Superficies of the planet Multy Criatures Not Evolutives . in the classifications. of lives Criatures in different bones. and  Bodys  in General of multy criatures how in the fiedl benings of the texts in the Supra Creation. in the face of the planet  Earth.   in the Great Studies Scientsitics of truth Achademical Classroom  in the Centers Educatives of the wordl Achademicals  in when to Scriptures and the Scienscies. today
Note in line the Expretion Greek of the lenguage Classic is the  Koine  Abio is the Nexts in times of process in  the firts Criatures and Species . the bible in yuor exact posture Denegated its types of Consept  not is part of the Supra Creation in Act Divine the Creation Never is on type of process to the consept Abiogesistics what  in part in when  provient of Aristtotles in the Theory Spotanea. of the firts Centurys A D C and is on Adoptatives.thesis of the firts theachings in the Aristtoteles and the adaptations  for the Nexts possition and Studies  Scienstistics  in the  actuallitys. in ours Century XXI


  1. the Studie Creationistics part of the Exactitudity of the Events . of the bible in the original truth and others sucess in the changes of the Men . in the Classroom Educatives Standars..


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