The Live of the first Christians in The Text s . II Part

in the Truth inspirated of the Holys Scriptures and the Studies in iths Days of the texts . in the firts Familys Christians. in jerusalem and part of the Experiencies. of the inspirations in The Canoom Divine. is the part Manys Great in the Scriptures. and the texts .
in the first Centurys the valors to vocation Originals Christians . in the Activity theocraticals . in the Based to the Texts of the Champert in frontal opossition in the longs Days of the Ministery Apostolicals.  In Century I. in the Nexts Cited of Act champert 18 versicule 2, 
the history and the texts inspirated in the Directions . of the Events . in the Scriptures . the jerusalem of I Centurys in Great Controvercy. 
the word Theocraticals. is Defhinited . Theo in the Lenguage Greek Koine God Cratics . justics . of part of lord God . in the New Textamentary in the original lenguage of the texts Greek . the Koine is defhinited how  on Act fiedl the firts Christians very actives in the Exercises. of the Gospel and active Anuncings of the Gospel. to others Nations in the face of the Earth  in yuors longs Days. 
in the Scriptures part of the Originals Vision. in the contexts .  Hermenueticals Anuncings in the Activity personal of Evangelions. is on Characteristics importands in the Century I. in the Activity in Guard the Days Shabbath in Memory of the Son of lord God. in the  Guard the  just Convenants . Divines.
Note  the  fiedls  Service  and prayings . in the Jerusalem of Anno Domini 33-34  is on the just and Memorablys of the Firts Sons and familys Christians of Century I. in jerusalem and Great part of others Territories . in the Longs Districs Imperials . in jerusalem in the Days of the festival in pentecostes   in Anno 33  D E C  in the  Inspiration  Divine. in just valors of the Texts,
the Study in the Canoom of the  Scriptures Conmoved the Service Theocraticals in the Century Firts . in the I proscription of the Sumos priest  Jhewis  and the  Sanedrin  in oposition to the Act of ours lord Jesus Chrits in the times . of the past. in the times of  the firts Autorittys Jhewis  in Control Magnus . of the City and in union to Zone Imperials. for the  Romen  Empires
Cited of the Inmemorials  Dr Albert Rivera Romero  . Ex -JHS priets  the Empire and the Sanedrin Asociateds for on only Control . oposition of the Name of  lord  Jesus Chrits.  and  in possiblity . infiltrations. and proscriptions. in the Sucess of the Firts Christians in Jerusalem and others Part of  Empires  in who are the Activity in tall valors in the fiedls Christians. in  tall  Valors and fiedl  Consagreations
the firts Christians in the vocations Geniunes of tall predication Days to Days and of  house in  house  Anuncing the truth of lord Jesus Chrits to othres .   just person in Every Nation of the  Empire in humility vocation and valors. truth.


  1. the Koinonie in the Century I firts is on formation of original Chracter of love . and justics in firts fiedl Conmunitys in the Scriptures . not only in jerusalem yeah not in others Nations in the I Firts Century in share the bread in 2 point the Spiritual and share phisys in the conmunion fiedl.


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