The New Textaments and the Vision Christians III Part

The NewTextaments is part of the vision Christian in the Studies of the Scriptures and the part theocraticals theologals. ¿ why  well  is the first texts Apologetycals in the firts Ministerys  of the   lord Jesus . in the 4 Gospel and letters Apostolicals . in the Anno Domini 33 -69 D .E. C  in the Scriptures inspirated in the rest of the Imperiam and part in the Jerusalem . in the study of Century I D .E. C  in the Moornings of today the New textaments is the Resumen of ours Studies to the lihgts of the texts.
on Example is the  valors inspirated of the Book and the just example of the Scriptures. in Character Theologals.   in the  originals  Studies  of the scriptures and humility Reason inspirated in the perfils of the Scriptures and New Textamentarys originals. is in the Reason just of the firts Men Christians. in vocation . Geniune of the truth present in the texts originals . of the Scriptures .
Note the firts Studys in the Scriptures and the Analitys Biblicals Respond to the Experiencies of the I firts familys Christian of Antioquia. in I  firts Centurys   and part of Berea. in the study very just of the firts phrofecy in the albors . of the wordl  in the  Dominiuon  for  the  Romen Empire. 
Note the Scriptures and texts . is the major privilegy in the odservation of the firts Canoom of the First Century . in the Major Evidency of the valors to ours vocationals Studie Theologals . in the Scripture and Sacra Scripture  to the vision Biblicals originals .
Note Theologal   Achademical.    the firts Centurys  the truth christians original Not is Denegated theys continues in the valor Vocationals . in the Studies textual of the Scriptures . that Respond to Major act Divine in the Single and humility vision Christian New textamentary in active Studies.   and is the truth . of  others types in falses theaching and  Aspostacys . in Defences to the original theaching Christians of  lord Jesus chrits in the texts  of the Act. in the Repherential of the Scriptures and the experiencies Apostolicals in the firts Century . in just vocation . for others  in the Gospel s   Eternals  to  the  truth  present.  in the texts. of the Scriptures . and the inmemorial conmunity christians.  New textamentarys  in the lenguage original  Greek koine is descripted for the history of the fiedls and firts Martyrs in jerusalem and part of the proscription of part of priets  jhewis in the Dominiun of Romen and the States  the Sanedrin in the times of Century firts  very Ricks . in fortune material . the firts christians love in Great humility   the  vocation . Not  Acept  Ricks . theys workings in Adnegated  Manery and not Acept Egoistics Tributeds and Ricks. in the just Manery on fiedl and frontal contranstics to the Vision of the Members of Sanedrin. Ricks and in tall and Sumo and  Great  powers in Asociation to the Romen Emperials. 


  1. the firts Chrsitains is on of just and great Evidencys in the texts and the truth History New textamentarys in the order Biblical experientials . and the Study of the Scriptures.


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