The Pugneds for the Truth Reason of the Scriptures and texts in The Great Period of The proscriptions.

The Tall Conciencies of Rome permited Now News Evidencys in the texts of the Scriptures and the firts Studies of the Bible.  in the Fiedls Reason of the Evidencys . original in the Texts . of the Bible and yuor Significations. Hermeneuticals . in the Vocations . to the investtigations Biblicals in the Long Period of the Reformers. and the Eges Media  Menors .  ¿ why  is today Necesary in the Investtigation Hermeneuticals of the Originals Scriptures. well the Reason is constituyings in the Sola Scripture . in the truth present . of the texts . in the inmemorial times Medievals . Existing on Great pugneds Originals . in the Truth Reason of the Scriptures . in the interpretes texts , in when to firts Reformers the Bible is the part of the Reason . of the truth original and Not part of on type exter of on Seudo truth in the Character textuals
the Scriptures in the period of the Reformers is on Act of valors . and justics to original Truth of the texts. in the Understands  to the lhigts of the Investtigation and Exact Comperation textual.
in the parages and the Explian  of the texts in the model of the firts Discurses. in the Sola Scriptures and Conciencies of theTall Preladys of  the Rome,papal.


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