The Scriptures and The first Christians of Berea and Antoquia. Asian Menors

on Example in the past is the Firts Familys  Christians of I Century  in the Districs and territories of Antioquia and Berea   in  the Analitys of  the odl and the Related of texts in promulgations . and Exposition of part of the Saint Men in the Service Apostolicals . in the Original theachings. Divine in the lord Jesus  Chrits.
the Small houses and Congregations of Firts Century in when theys listen and Study in Great valors the texts Hebrew and the Therminology of the profhetys . in the valors just of the Century I.
the firts texts of the Scriptures in Revison and the Planus . of the truth theachings of the lord JesusChrits in the firts Centurys.I
the vision Divine of the theaching in searchs of the texts . and the Explian of the just Men of lord God in the the intteresanting valors of the Scriptures and the texts . Originals. of the Scriptures Greek Christians. in the studies of the Canoom. in New Textament ad the Odl Profhetys. in continue valors and instrucctions. in the just know Divine of the Scriptures. and the Valors of just the investtigation theologals of the Scriptures and the comparations of the thematicals in that permited on of the Great valoreations in examinings the contexts holys to the understands  the wonderfulls promecys Divines of part of lord Jesus Chrits  in the word inspirated in Autoritys.
Note Achademical theologals   Besfore of that the Great Apostacies Benings   in Every Must part of the  Districs Imperial the firts Christians in yuor Firts Reunion in Small Gruops in the Houses in the truth teachings Divine in the Investtigation of the Scriptures. in the theocraticals Theachings Divine originals of the explain inspirated of the letter and the just lord Jesus Christ
the investtigation in just point in the Related of the texts of the Book in Missings  inspirated of  the Acts of the apostles.  Hebrews Champert 1versicules when to the humility person Divne  of lord  Jesus  chrits .for others aspect Existing Sinaguoges of Jhewis in just Convertion . and the firts Apostles in Reunion in the Exposed of the fiedl word  Divine to  person . in the Gospel and the  Great  Comission.


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