The Texts Seudo -Expuries and the others Reason Historical And The Canoom Not Inspirated of Greek I Part

the Not  inspirateds  Texts Seudo inter Textamentarys  in the Researvh s of the Canoom  Seudo-Hebrew  and in part of the history Greek in the Territories of isreal . in times of the Machabeos is the Nexts Experient s of  on Related Nexts of Character Historicals and Not inspirated in the Canoom Palestines Greek  ¿ why  in Revision of the vertions in the Archeology  and the Seudo Scriptures Hebrew Greek . is the time and pleace in who are the firts Gubernaments  affthers from the Death of the Great Yuong Alexanders 33 odl  Edges 4 of the princes Greek only on in the Dominiuon of the territorys of isreal. in the kings and Gobernators in yuor Name  is call  The Generals  and King Seulocus the Ephifanes in yuor Seudo Name call the Crazy.
in Dominiuon of the wordl  Hebrew . intro of ones 400 years in the Silent Spirituals. in the lands and territories . the Book of the Machabeos Not is on texts in the inspiration Divine of the Order how is Explian . is on texts historical in yuor thematical and Characters. of the Events  in the past for isreal.
the Just Studies Hebrews Not the Constituyings  How on texts of the Order Sacrus e inspirated  yeah Not of the on history . in the 400 years of the  Great  Silent
in who
are the Just Spirit of lord God Jehovah Not Speak to the Directs Generation in the isreal in the trancendentals Edges in the Dominiuon of  the Helenistics  power  Imperials.  in frontal Batlees in front to power of the Generals Helenistics Seulocus Magnus. the Crazy. in frontal wars utillity to the Great  Mamals  the  Elefhants   in isreal who are  the Spirit of lord Jehovah Never Speak in the infinity Silent profheticals. in longs 400 years in the longs period  Inter textamentarys .  in share here to the childrens and yuong in American and others Nations.the wordl Christians Protestantic s and wordl hebrew in theachings . Constituyings to its Act in literary how on Act in Character historials. in Edges of the history Inter Biblisticals. and in Year of the firts Reformer Martin Luther. introduccing the texts in character of  investtigation Historial in the New Vertion  today  know for so must person . God speak today  Chatolicals  Vertions. in the Firts Bible 1517  Martin  luther  introduccing the texts in formulation Not Inspirated yeah in The vertion of Studies  Historial. vernacule in lenguage Germany. Exact. the Hebrews of firts Generation Not the constituyings inspirated yeah not historials. texts. in Major honors. in this is texts the firt Familys of jerusalem in 400 years in Silent  Not acept the convenat in union for the Greek yeah not constituying the law and sabaath  in the Not admission of impures foods. and animals. impures. in fiedl pugned for the convertions Eternal. in the law and convenants just.


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