The Texts Vernacules vs The Traditional Lenguage Latins

 Great  part of  the  Scriptures in the  Century III -IV  and part Media Ege Menor in Nexts Century V in the Conservation to the Lenguages latin  on Example in the Nexts Texts how Model Genesis Book   Eun principium di li Spiritum di  Deus  move eu profundi Aqua. now is only on Small  Models in when to the texts in vulgatum latinus Seventum. writte for the Eminents Sain Jeronimus di Dalmatias in Alexadria . in the Associated Missing . in the other Copy of Greek Koine . the Sextuanguinte  Greek   in the texts of Genesis Champert 1 versicules 1 Existing on Reason in  the Sumo Respect  ¿ why the texts . is translated to on lenguage Conmon Well Great part of Europe in Century III -IV  not understands the others vertion to latin. in times of the Tall Eges Media  the Power Papal . proscripved  the Culte  to the Reason of  the  translations. to the  lenguage Intrepretes Normal to Rest of the poblations . of the humilitys farmers. and familys in European in  the  activity of the  Agricullturys in the part of the territorys of Bohemian and others part united to  the European. Holland and Zuetherland and part odl Schotlands  
in the just Mind of the Firts Reformers.Existing On Missings is the Nexts . heplts to Somust to understands the Holys Scriptures in the just Direction of lord God.  to others and Conservation of the firts texts in traslations. on word to Greek and latin  traidores  the that transliteres is on Expretion . Great in Understands the Holys Scriptures in model just of the texts in that very just and Necesary in writter  the truth to Eyes of the humanity . today Must of ihts texts in ours Vernacules origins. in just Explendors.
Note the perception of the Firts Reformers is on vision to the times of today in ours Century XXI.the translation of   today  is on Exclusived and Special in 3 aspect I  the lenguage change in modismus and typologys Lingiusticals.  in the inmemorial times of  the Dr Martin  luther ihts in Just Manery  very Necesary  for the New and Nexts Generation of the history. and the Model conservatives in times inmemorials. of the just  valdences. Reformer in the  Guard the original Day Sabbath   in texts of the Scriptures in files historials. today in Share here. in the Event of the Bible. 


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