The Wonderfull Point lingiusticals Greek Koine in The Extra Scriptures. Historials II Part

in  Mores of 400 years in the History Inter Extra textamentarys . in mys Nexts Cited of the texts of the Machabeos. in part is on Illutred Scriptures Not inspirated in the Greek Original vertion in  Special codice Alexandrinus . in the vertions Koine today existing translation to the lenguage  Hebrew. and part of the Englihts how on just and Direct Vertion of the Character Historials.
and Not Inspirated in the texts Koine. is the lingiustical originals of the vertions . original . in the texts and speak .Greek that is Diferents to the lenguage actual of Century XXI. in verbs Greek today in European  is intteresanting in the my Studie of the Moornings of the texts of 25 December  to firt 7 meridians  hours  in the investtigation of ihts texts very know for the Royal Society of Archeology. in the Actuality . to Nivel Wordl. in Special to university Surth Advenstistics of 7 Day . in the States of Atlanta Giorgia . to my family and Brothers . in the Character Spirituals to whe are in my humility Dedication in the vertion of the texts Extra Koines . in inter textamentarys . in just valors and love christians. and the others Universitys in the wordl actual . in European in special to the university chapels in Ingland and part of Britians . to Must university the Schollaristics Universitary of jhon Knox. in Schotland
 in the vision Generals of the investtigations. of the Texts.Greek in the inter Extra Textaments in the Exact Documents historial.
the texts in yuor ubication for in Major Centurys in Discovery . for the Texts Greek . Documents in the just Character of valors and Importands in the wordl hebrew . historials.  in the literals territory call Modin . and part of isreal . in times inmemorials . of the History conmon. in Revision historical and Not inspirated in the texts Sellectives . in Order of truth Canoom Know  in the history of the Scriptures is on texts very Special for the documentation of the history Hebrew in last times  to ours Long on Magnificals texts  in Revision historials. of the Extra Document Not inspirateds of the Biblicals  Studies. in the character of the kings Antiocus the Ephifanes  the word  Greek Ephifanes in the translation Greek is the Craizy.  and the descriptibly word of origings hebrew Machabeos is the Men of  the hammer
Note Achademical. the firs Men Hebrews of Extra Textamentarys Not inspirated theys . pudgnes  in frontal valors to the Enemys Greek Helenistical in opossition for the Impossition of yuor pagan Cultures. in isreal and the Holy City Jerusalem. in the Golden period Greek in the Activity in the power Helenisticals. the Culte Hebrew in the  Great  Dangerus . for the Activity Greek in the temple.and the Impossition of the Eminents Culture Greek  denegated for the truth Causes in honor to the  holy Convenants and  the firts Defence Apologetycals in pugneds  to the people Extra Textamentarys of isreal in the longs 400 years of space in  the  Chronologys times  in who  are the just Spirit of lord  Jehovah  Not Speak in the texts of Kethuvines  and for the Order Divine. 


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