My Personal Conciencies for the Fiedl Truth. in The Scriptures

Now in my Major Conciencies. the Bible is not only on Related yeah not the just word inspirated of the lord God to the Nations. in face of the Earth.
is on on history wonderfulls. to Must person . in the times. thanks to the truth of the Scripture . Every in the valor . of on wordl . Differents. to the of the Men. and yuors Changes . and homologations. the Bible conmings in ours Mind and Eart to Must person just . in the valors just . inthe fiedl person of ours humility Saviuor Jesuschrits . that is the Originals truth that others Answers in the Insolics Changes.
when in the past . ours Reflexion and the today very differents. to others types of Denegateds Answers incomplets today in the Great Majory . that not Understands the valors Chrsitians. and the just and truth Theachings in the truth,
in colombians thanks in my Conming Studys to mys 42 Eges years odl Conming in Sacrificies and humillity . and in perspectives of on hope. Major in my lord Jesus chrits. and Know truth . thanks the valors and mys Correction . for conming on Man Day to Day personal mind Major acept mys imperfections how on person humans and Conmings . in direction just and Correct . to my Conciencies. that is Great and in Sacrificies. personal. always . in mys hope in confiances in Lord God. and on perspective New. to my live personal. in Sincerity honor and valors Christians. in the hope just.for my my lord And Just Redentor is Really only the is my hope and my Great promecy. to the Eyes of on wordl in injustics and Great Hipocrecy . he is my Solid Hope. in happines in the Medie Moorning of today to the hours 0 11.20 of the Day. in my Reflextion of this just Day. in The Memory of milies of person . that love to my humility person and must to who are love in Sincerity valor to my family to My Mother and mys Great Friends in The United States and Colombian to theys thanks..
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