the Manys importand Canoom is the Great Alexander Of Macedonia in the Instrucction Inmemorials of the lenguage Eminents the Greek in the Scriptures . ¿why is the lenguage Manys intteresanting in the Odservations lingiusticals. of the vertion of the texts . odl . in the Alexandries of the Century III is the Major Legady of Great Alexanders. Magnus. in the lingiusticals. and the texs in the Armony of the Scriptures and the time. in the Scriptures . of the Odl Textaments in the firts . Canoom in ours examplars of the Scriptures the vertion Queen Valera of the Dr Casiodoro di Reina. in Spain and others vertion in translation . James King Vertion.England and the vertion internationale. the texts of Greek is the Manys importands Expretions in the Declareation Formals. when in the time of the Helenisticals Alexanders Magnus in the Yuor Inmemorail Gobernaments Edict the Greek how lengua Multinational.And Culturals. to the others peoples. in yuor longs Days. in Major justics. in yuor Conquist in Ege of the 30 years. on active Yuong in victory.and illusttrations.in the texts Greek originals in the factor of the Great Legady of Alexander in the Extra Textamentarys and the Cultures. GrecoMacedonia in the times inmemorials.in times of the Erudiction of the Saint Jeronimus Dalmatian of Alexandrie. the Greek is Major Mind consultain in when to transliterations. of lenguages. Conmon. Ancestral. and permited on .Exact .Translation to The lenguage latin vulgatus . and Conmon . in The creation of the vulgatum latin Seventum. in the Comparation of Canoom. in palestine and isreal . that in the lapsus of the history in The Dominiuon. of the on of the 4 General of Alexander Magnus yuor Name is the Epifhanes. Seuloco. in the part of the Assignature of Great Empire Helenus Greek in Jerusalem. 500 Centurys Besfore . I Advenimients of ours lord Jesus christs. and the vertion lingiustical of Greek to peoples Hebrew in Modin today part of jerusalem and palestine.in the Dominiuon of the Just Son Machabeos. in 400 years in who are the just Spirit Divine of lord God Not Speak to Men . in the longs period inter Extra textamentarys. in isreal. the Greek is part of liguistical of the lands Hebrews in the Rebelions of Machabeos. in isreal. in the Studies of the Scriptures in the historical vertion Greek. in the Days in who are the just Spirit of lord God Not Speak to Generation in the longs Silents. in periodical 400 years. in Just Silent profheticals

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