The Canoom in The Lectures and The Texts

The firts I Conmunity Hebrews in the odl Textaments and Nexts Generations . of the News Conmunitys uttility the texts . in the funtions . Generals in the torah  and  The Kethuvines . in formal Studies theologals. in the odl Codice of the Sexptuaginte .Greek the part Ancestrals Hebrew is Understand  in  the Studies of the Holys Scriptures in the firts Grades . Remenberings that in the times. of the Bible Expretions. The Nexts lenguages the Greek Koine . in Dominiuom of the firts Thematicals lingiustical in the translation to The lenguage Greek. koine. in the culte of the firts Sinagogues and lenguages. Greek .
in the Conquist of the Greek Helenus . to the Tall power of  the Great  Magnus Alexanders.
the Notablys Expretion Greek is on of the Major in the Great Importancys  in the texts . in translations. Conmon. Equal  that in  the idiom s   Hebrew  Arameicals.
the Times inmemorials . of the past and the history Hebrew Not only is the lenguage Hebrew. yeah not . others types of lenguages . in the Nexts passing oftheTime  is . the Lenguage . Greek  to the intteresings for the translation Conmon. in the holys Scriptures of Odl Textamentarys.
In Special valorations. Exact of the Book importands and the texts. in the part of the 400 years of silent . in who are the just Spirit Divine Not Speak  to the Generations. in the Firts Comunity Ancestrals hebrews . Extra -Textamentarys odl. in the  historicals  Character in the vertion of codice inspirated of the Scriptures in Greek Koine. in longs  times  inmemorials.  in times past. and today presentin the studies original of Bible and theology. the vertions Hebrews , and the translation of the Antrophoplogy  in the holys land of of isreal . is on importand Researchvs . personal of investtigations. in the just texts of  the  Studies  in The  Generations. to ours importands Days . in the Examinings  of the Texts Hebrew Ancestral Arameicals  and the Translation . for the Reformator phaters  in European. in the Educations Theologals. in the studies of Sacra Scripture. and the Recients Excavation in isreal. and  the Direct Contexts Hebrew formal. in the University and  Schorallistics  in translation  originals vernacules. in the Explain. correct and Exact of the Studie of the Texts. Masoreticals.


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