The Event in Archeology of The New Textaments And Patibulum.

The  firts Texts of New Textaments in the Mentions. of the Gospels in  the Inspirated  Reguisters and the Exactitudity Historials  in when the punishements  of the Patibulums the Nexts Dates in The Odl Archives of the library Sudterraneans   Di Li Vaticani in Rome. italy.  in illutred Formation of the Dates  and Files in  Order of the Nexts Writters Seutoniuos . and plinius the yuong And on part in Joshepus flaviatus .  Titus livio  and part of the Events of the Description Really of the Cruxifictions. in the Moorning of Sabbath On Day Special .

well  ¿ why my Nexts Cited in mys Studies in this wonderfulls  Moornings  of the Day Just Sabbath . in when is Necesary Explian. on truth in the texts in The Comparations. Exact of the just Evangelistics  who are Living and descripved in just Determinations of ihts Events . in when to ours lord Jesus Chrits incluyings  on Really vision general of the Nexts Whistnesess  in the Reguister of Seutoniuos and Plinius the Young  and part of Joshepus flavios . the regusiter Original in the vaticani . of the Really vision of the history . in the firts Centurys. D.E .

C The Great Imperium of  the Romen  in the tall Punishenments  to the jerusalem of the Century Firts I Century in on injustics . Model . the Cruxificction that today is Denegated in lord Jesus chrits. in the original patibulums.
that is on Act in the Evidency Really to the Eyes testimonial Not Only of Canoom yeah not of the Scriptures. in the inspiration Divine . and testimony for the firts Fiedls Writters in the New textamentarys  in the truth Studies to lihgts of the texts. and the testimony of the Odl And Secullars Historiams  In the direct Mentions  Share  Here in The  Representation  Historial. and Evidential .
Note Achademical in  the Actuallity  di li Library of  part in the vaticani. and  the  Archives  Existing seriuos Evidential of I and II Century D E C  in when to ihts . Events . in the history. eu di archive vaticani . todu dile Grandi  Eventi in  when   Every of  the Great Events. in the history of the Vatican Archives.
in the just Day of Sabbath My person Analitys in the Reguister of the Studies Evidential of the Defence of text Biblicals . in  the Anothers . in the parage Next parages of the Gospel in Saint John 19 Champert versiculed 12  of the Cruxifictions. historials. others Archives in the Comtenporanies city of  Telaviv isreal. in the Dates Exact . in the Stauruos  {T} in the dates in just truth and Representation .of the Events in just Evidential in my Conciencies.and sincerity truth. to  milies of person inocents  in when to truth knowled Biblicals Originals.
Note historial the I firts figure is of on legionary Romen .in yuor Funny Aspect . Smiles  of on humility Christians  yeah views iths in central figure odserved on face of on honky this is on Figure in lines . Discovery  in the Datation of the  I first Century . in year 1962 in Rome. and in the Edition of the illutration Dictionary CLIE in Englhits Vertion and Sphanist Vertions 


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